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Products of conjugacy classes and products of irreducible characters in finite groups

Authors :
Sajjad Mahmood Robati
Mohammad Reza Darafsheh
Source :
Volume: 37, Issue: 4 607-616, Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Publication Year :
Publisher :
TÜBİTAK, 2014.


Let G be a finite group. If A and B are two conjugacy classes in G, then AB is a union of conjugacy classes in G and h(AB) denotes the number of distinct conjugacy classes of G contained in AB. If c and y are two complex irreducible characters of G, then cy is a character of G and again we let h(cy) be the number of irreducible characters of G appearing as constituents of cy. In this paper our aim is to study the product of conjugacy classes in a finite group and obtain an upper bound for h in general. Then we study similar results related to the product of two irreducible characters.


Language :
13000098 and 13036149
Database :
Journal :
Volume: 37, Issue: 4 607-616, Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Accession number :