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Gene-Expression Profiling of Mucinous Ovarian Tumors and Comparison with Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Tumors Identifies Markers Associated with Adverse Outcomes

Authors :
Nicola S, Meagher
Kylie L, Gorringe
Matthew, Wakefield
Adelyn, Bolithon
Chi Nam Ignatius, Pang
Derek S, Chiu
Michael S, Anglesio
Kylie-Ann, Mallitt
Jennifer A, Doherty
Holly R, Harris
Joellen M, Schildkraut
Andrew, Berchuck
Kara L, Cushing-Haugen
Ksenia, Chezar
Angela, Chou
Adeline, Tan
Jennifer, Alsop
Ellen, Barlow
Matthias W, Beckmann
Jessica, Boros
David D L, Bowtell
Alison H, Brand
James D, Brenton
Ian, Campbell
Dane, Cheasley
Joshua, Cohen
Cezary, Cybulski
Esther, Elishaev
Ramona, Erber
Rhonda, Farrell
Anna, Fischer
Zhuxuan, Fu
Blake, Gilks
Anthony J, Gill
Charlie, Gourley
Marcel, Grube
Paul R, Harnett
Arndt, Hartmann
Anusha, Hettiaratchi
Claus K, Høgdall
Tomasz, Huzarski
Anna, Jakubowska
Mercedes, Jimenez-Linan
Catherine J, Kennedy
Byoung-Gie, Kim
Jae-Weon, Kim
Jae-Hoon, Kim
Kayla, Klett
Jennifer M, Koziak
Tiffany, Lai
Angela, Laslavic
Jenny, Lester
Yee, Leung
Na, Li
Winston, Liauw
Belle W X, Lim
Anna, Linder
Jan, Lubiński
Sakshi, Mahale
Constantina, Mateoiu
Simone, McInerny
Janusz, Menkiszak
Parham, Minoo
Suzana, Mittelstadt
David, Morris
Sandra, Orsulic
Sang-Yoon, Park
Celeste Leigh, Pearce
John V, Pearson
Malcolm C, Pike
Carmel M, Quinn
Ganendra Raj, Mohan
Jianyu, Rao
Marjorie J, Riggan
Matthias, Ruebner
Stuart, Salfinger
Clare L, Scott
Mitul, Shah
Helen, Steed
Colin J R, Stewart
Deepak, Subramanian
Soseul, Sung
Katrina, Tang
Paul, Timpson
Robyn L, Ward
Rebekka, Wiedenhoefer
Heather, Thorne
Paul A, Cohen
Philip, Crowe
Peter A, Fasching
Jacek, Gronwald
Nicholas J, Hawkins
Estrid, Høgdall
David G, Huntsman
Paul A, James
Beth Y, Karlan
Linda E, Kelemen
Stefan, Kommoss
Gottfried E, Konecny
Francesmary, Modugno
Sue K, Park
Annette, Staebler
Karin, Sundfeldt
Anna H, Wu
Aline, Talhouk
Paul D P, Pharoah
Lyndal, Anderson
Anna, DeFazio
Martin, Köbel
Michael L, Friedlander
Susan J, Ramus
Source :
Meagher, N S, Gorringe, K L, Wakefield, M J, Bolithon, A, Pang, C N I, Chiu, D S, Anglesio, M S, Mallitt, K, Doherty, J A, Harris, H R, Schildkraut, J M, Berchuck, A, Cushing-haugen, K L, Chezar, K, Chou, A, Tan, A, Alsop, J, Barlow, E, Beckmann, M W, Boros, J, Bowtell, D D, Brand, A H, Brenton, J D, Campbell, I, Cheasley, D, Cohen, J, Cybulski, C, Elishaev, E, Erber, R, Farrell, R, Fischer, A, Fu, Z, Gilks, B, Gill, A J, Gourley, C, Grube, M, Harnett, P, Hartmann, A, Hettiaratchi, A, Høgdall, C K, Huzarski, T, Jakubowska, A, Jimenez-linan, M, Kennedy, C J, Kim, B, Kim, J, Kim, J, Klett, K, Koziak, J, Lai, T, Laslavic, A, Lester, J, Leung, Y, Li, N, Liauw, W, Lim, B W X, Linder, A, Lubinski, J, Mahale, S, Mateoiu, C, Mcinerny, S, Menkiszak, J, Minoo, P, Mittelstadt, S, Morris, D, Orsulic, S, Park, S Y, Pearce, C L, Pearson, J V, Pike, M C, Quinn, C M, Mohan, G R, Rao, J, Riggan, M J, Ruebner, M, Salfinger, S, Scott, C L, Shah, M, Steed, H, Stewart, C J R, Subramanian, D, Sung, S, Tang, K, Timpson, P, Ward, R L, Wiedenhoefer, R, Thorne, H, Cohen, P A, Crowe, P, Fasching, P A, Gronwald, J, Hawkins, N J, Høgdall, E, Huntsman, D G, James, P A, Karlan, B Y, Kelemen, L E, Kommoss, S, Konecny, G E, Modugno, F, Park, S K, Staebler, A, Sundfeldt, K, Wu, A H, Talhouk, A, Pharoah, P D P, Anderson, L, Defazio, A, Köbel, M, Friedlander, M L & Ramus, S J 2022, ' Gene expression profiling of mucinous ovarian tumors and comparison with upper and lower gastrointestinal tumors identifies markers associated with adverse outcomes. ', Clinical Cancer Research .,, AOCS Grp, Australian Pancreatic Genome Initi & kConFab Investigators 2022, ' Gene-Expression Profiling of Mucinous Ovarian Tumors and Comparison with Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Tumors Identifies Markers Associated with Adverse Outcomes ', Clinical Cancer Research, vol. 28, no. 24, pp. 5383-5395 .
Publication Year :
Publisher :
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2022.


Purpose: Advanced-stage mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) has poor chemotherapy response and prognosis and lacks biomarkers to aid stage I adjuvant treatment. Differentiating primary MOC from gastrointestinal (GI) metastases to the ovary is also challenging due to phenotypic similarities. Clinicopathologic and gene-expression data were analyzed to identify prognostic and diagnostic features. Experimental Design: Discovery analyses selected 19 genes with prognostic/diagnostic potential. Validation was performed through the Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium and GI cancer biobanks comprising 604 patients with MOC (n = 333), mucinous borderline ovarian tumors (MBOT, n = 151), and upper GI (n = 65) and lower GI tumors (n = 55). Results: Infiltrative pattern of invasion was associated with decreased overall survival (OS) within 2 years from diagnosis, compared with expansile pattern in stage I MOC [hazard ratio (HR), 2.77; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.04–7.41, P = 0.042]. Increased expression of THBS2 and TAGLN was associated with shorter OS in MOC patients (HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.04–1.51, P = 0.016) and (HR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.01–1.45, P = 0.043), respectively. ERBB2 (HER2) amplification or high mRNA expression was evident in 64 of 243 (26%) of MOCs, but only 8 of 243 (3%) were also infiltrative (4/39, 10%) or stage III/IV (4/31, 13%). Conclusions: An infiltrative growth pattern infers poor prognosis within 2 years from diagnosis and may help select stage I patients for adjuvant therapy. High expression of THBS2 and TAGLN in MOC confers an adverse prognosis and is upregulated in the infiltrative subtype, which warrants further investigation. Anti-HER2 therapy should be investigated in a subset of patients. MOC samples clustered with upper GI, yet markers to differentiate these entities remain elusive, suggesting similar underlying biology and shared treatment strategies.


15573265 and 10780432
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Clinical Cancer Research
Accession number :