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The first and second data releases of the Kilo-Degree Survey

Authors :
Axel Buddendiek
O. Cordes
Kor G. Begeman
Edo van Uitert
Peter Schneider
Hendrik Hildebrandt
E. Puddu
Ami Choi
Hugo Buddelmeijer
Crescenzo Tortora
Danny Boxhoorn
Thomas D. Kitching
Gijs Verdoes Kleijn
Massimo Viola
Nivya Roy
Thomas Erben
William J. Sutherland
Catherine Heymans
Konrad Kuijken
Stefano Cavuoti
Mario Radovich
John McFarland
Willem-Jan Vriend
A. Rifatto
Fedor Getman
Reiko Nakajima
Massimo Dall'Ora
Edwin A. Valentijn
N. Irisarri
Henk Hoekstra
Ewout Helmich
Gert Sikkema
Fabian Köhlinger
Giovanni Covone
Maurizio Paolillo
Cristóbal Sifón
Massimo Capaccioli
Aniello Grado
Massimo Brescia
Zhuoyi Huang
Jelte T. A. de Jong
Dominik Klaes
Martin Eriksen
Giuseppe Longo
Joachim Harnois-Déraps
Léon V. E. Koopmans
Nicola R. Napolitano
Benjamin Joachimi
Francesco La Barbera
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
de Jong, J. T. A.
Verdoes Kleijn, G. A.
Boxhoorn, D. R.
Buddelmeijer, H.
Capaccioli, M.
Getman, F.
Grado, A.
Helmich, E.
Huang, Z.
Irisarri, N.
Kuijken, K.
La Barbera, F.
Mcfarland, J. P.
Napolitano, N. R.
Radovich, M.
Sikkema, G.
Valentijn, E. A.
Begeman, K. G.
Brescia, M.
Cavuoti, S.
Choi, A.
Cordes, O. -M.
Covone, G.
Dall’Ora, M.
Hildebrandt, H.
Longo, G.
Nakajima, R.
Paolillo, M.
Puddu, E.
Rifatto, A.
Tortora, C.
van Uitert, E.
Buddendiek, A.
Harnois-Déraps, J.
Erben, T.
Eriksen, M. B.
Heymans, C.
Hoekstra, H.
Joachimi, B.
Kitching, T. D.
Klaes, D.
Koopmans, L. V. E.
Köhlinger, F.
Roy, N.
Sifón, C.
Schneider, P.
Sutherland, W. J.
Viola, M.
Vriend, W. -J.
de Jong, Jelte T. A.
Verdoes Kleijn, Gijs A.
Boxhoorn, Danny R.
Buddelmeijer, Hugo
Capaccioli, Massimo
Getman, Fedor
Grado, Aniello
Helmich, Ewout
Huang, Zhuoyi
Irisarri, Nancy
Kuijken, Konrad
La Barbera, Francesco
Mcfarland, John P.
Napolitano, Nicola R.
Radovich, Mario
Sikkema, Gert
Valentijn, Edwin A.
Begeman, Kor G.
Brescia, Massimo
Cavuoti, Stefano
Choi, Ami
Cordes, Oliver-Mark
Covone, Giovanni
Dall'Ora, Massimo
Hildebrandt, Hendrik
Longo, Giuseppe
Nakajima, Reiko
Paolillo, Maurizio
Puddu, Emanuella
Rifatto, Agatino
Tortora, Crescenzo
van Uitert, Edo
Buddendiek, Axel
Harnois-Déraps, Joachim
Erben, Thoma
Eriksen, Martin B.
Heymans, Catherine
Hoekstra, Henk
Joachimi, Benjamin
Kitching, Thomas D.
Klaes, Dominik
Koopmans, Léon V. E.
Köhlinger, Fabian
Roy, Nivya
Sifón, Cristóbal
Schneider, Peter
Sutherland, Will J.
Viola, Massimo
Vriend, Willem-Jan
Source :
Astronomy and astrophysics, 582:A62. EDP Sciences, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 582, A62
Publication Year :


The Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) is an optical wide-field imaging survey carried out with the VLT Survey Telescope and the OmegaCAM camera. KiDS will image 1500 square degrees in four filters (ugri), and together with its near-infrared counterpart VIKING will produce deep photometry in nine bands. Designed for weak lensing shape and photometric redshift measurements, the core science driver of the survey is mapping the large-scale matter distribution in the Universe back to a redshift of ~0.5. Secondary science cases are manifold, covering topics such as galaxy evolution, Milky Way structure, and the detection of high-redshift clusters and quasars. KiDS is an ESO Public Survey and dedicated to serving the astronomical community with high-quality data products derived from the survey data, as well as with calibration data. Public data releases will be made on a yearly basis, the first two of which are presented here. For a total of 148 survey tiles (~160 sq.deg.) astrometrically and photometrically calibrated, coadded ugri images have been released, accompanied by weight maps, masks, source lists, and a multi-band source catalog. A dedicated pipeline and data management system based on the Astro-WISE software system, combined with newly developed masking and source classification software, is used for the data production of the data products described here. The achieved data quality and early science projects based on the data products in the first two data releases are reviewed in order to validate the survey data. Early scientific results include the detection of nine high-z QSOs, fifteen candidate strong gravitational lenses, high-quality photometric redshifts and galaxy structural parameters for hundreds of thousands of galaxies. (Abridged)<br />Comment: 26 pages, 26 figures, 2 appendices; two new figures, several textual clarifications, updated references; accepted for publication in A&A


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Astronomy and astrophysics, 582:A62. EDP Sciences, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 582, A62
Accession number :