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Роль чорносотенців у розгортанні міжнаціональних конфліктів на Волині під час Першої світової війни

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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022.


Досліджено роль Почаївського відділу Союзу російського народу в ускладненні міжнаціональних відносин на Волині під час Першої світової війни. Охарактеризовано комплекс заходів, які здійснювали чорносотенці в контексті урядової політики для дискредитації євреїв і німецьких аграрних колоністів. На основі опрацювання матеріалів періодики «союзників» обґрунтовано, що вони створили негативний образ ворогів імперії та православної церкви. Окрему увагу приділено висвітленню й аналізу безпідставних звинувачень євреїв і аграрних колоністів у «зраді» імперії, а також, виключно з пропагандистською метою, ворожих армій у злочинах проти цивільного населення та військовополонених. Це робилося з чітко визначеною метою — будь-якими способами дискредитувати опонентів. This research studies the role of the Pochaiv branch of the Union of the Russian People in complicating interethnic relations in the Volyn region during the First World War. Based on the materials of the periodical press of the ‘allies’, the author analyzes how the members of this Pochaiv branch created a negative image of the enemies of the empire and the Orthodox Church. Special attention is paid to the coverage and the analysis of the unfounded blaming of Jews and agrarian colonists for the «betrayal» of the empire. The author also shows that the Black Hundreds accused the army of enemies of committing crimes against civilians and prisoners of war. This was done with a clear propagandistic intention and in order to discredit opponents in any way. In this study, considerable attention is paid to highlighting the special role of the Black Hundreds in the implementation of domestic policy of the Russian Empire and identification of the key principles of their advocacy work in this area. Based on primary sources, the author of this article shows that during the First World War the Black Hundreds continued their activities aimed at discrediting other ethnic groups living in the Volyn region, primarily Jews and German agrarian colonists. Taking into consideration the situation in the empire during the war, the Black Hundreds intensified the anti-German vector of their propaganda work. German agrarian colonists were accused of «peaceful conquest of Russia», spreading Protestantism in the region, and cooperation with Kaiser Germany. In making these and a number of other accusations, the Black Hundreds failed to substantiate them with actual facts. Special attention should be paid to the analysis of publications about the alleged crimes of the Austro-Hungarian and German troops, and their abuse of Red Cross nurses, and prisoners of war in the pages of their press. However, in other publications, the Black Hundreds called on local residents to provide all possible assistance to prisoners of war, which contradicted their allegations of ill-treatment. The author also researched a number of articles regarding the situation in the counties liberated in 1916 and the destruction of Orthodox churches by Austro-Hungarian and German troops. However, these articles did not mention a single word about the criminal activities of the Russian army in the Volyn region, or the loss of civilians from ill-considered and irresponsible military activities. The author concludes that the Black Hundreds, moving in the direction of imperial propaganda, did everything possible to form the image of the enemy — a Jewish and a German colonist.


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