Use of the English urgent referral pathway for suspected cancer and mortality in patients with cancer: cohort study
Peter Vedsted, et al. “Use of the English Urgent Referral Pathway for Suspected Cancer and Mortality in Patients with Cancer: Cohort Study.” The BMJ, vol. 351, Oct. 2015. EBSCOhost,
Peter Vedsted, David Meechan, Carolynn Gildea, Greg Rubin, Thomas Round, & Henrik Møller. (2015). Use of the English urgent referral pathway for suspected cancer and mortality in patients with cancer: cohort study. The BMJ, 351.
Peter Vedsted, David Meechan, Carolynn Gildea, Greg Rubin, Thomas Round, and Henrik Møller. 2015. “Use of the English Urgent Referral Pathway for Suspected Cancer and Mortality in Patients with Cancer: Cohort Study.” The BMJ 351 (October). doi:10.1136/bmj.h5102.