Additional file 1 of The identification of novel immunogenic antigens as potential Shigella vaccine components
Ruklanthi De Alwis, et al. Additional File 1 of The Identification of Novel Immunogenic Antigens as Potential Shigella Vaccine Components. Jan. 2021. EBSCOhost,
Ruklanthi De Alwis, Liang, L., Taghavian, O., Werner, E., The, H. C., Thu, T. N. H., Duong, V. T., D. Huw Davies, Felgner, P. L., & Baker, S. (2021). Additional file 1 of The identification of novel immunogenic antigens as potential Shigella vaccine components.
Ruklanthi De Alwis, Li Liang, Omid Taghavian, Emma Werner, Hao Chung The, Trang Nguyen Hoang Thu, Vu Thuy Duong, D. Huw Davies, Philip L. Felgner, and Stephen Baker. 2021. “Additional File 1 of The Identification of Novel Immunogenic Antigens as Potential Shigella Vaccine Components,” January. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.13585484.