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Authors :
Ivanna, Sakhanda
Nataliia, Koziko
Yuriy, Litvin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2020.


The professional community feels the need to advance and expand the role of pharmaceutical personnel to meet healthcare needs. In the last decades in the pharmaceutical practice there has been a steady tendency of patient-oriented services and services. Within this concept, the principles of service delivery and training have shifted from patient to patient focus. The impact of personalized medicine on the profession is becoming increasingly important. These changes entail the need to transform the basic knowledge and approaches taught by pharmaceutical workers. The purpose of studying biotechnology by future provisors is the formation of system knowledge, skills and practical skills. Methods. The article has been studied and researched a study of literary sources, metadata, method of data analysis, statistical method. Check existing data sources as well as the conditions under which they can be obtained, including any restrictions on use. Evaluation of alternatives, research of possibilities of application of potential sources of administrative data for statistical purposes. Generalization of the assessment of the legal framework in which data will be collected and used. Statistical methods are four interrelated sections: preliminary analysis of the nature of statistical data – is to test the hypotheses of stationarity, independence, normality, homogeneity, as well as assess the type of distribution function, its parameters, etc.; identification of connections and regularities – correlation analysis, linear and nonlinear regression analysis, etc.; multidimensional statistical analysis – cluster analysis, component analysis, linear and nonlinear discriminant analysis, etc.; dynamic models and forecast based on time series. Survey, prognostic methods, student survey method and data representativeness. In teaching we try to move away from the accepted matrix reproduction of specialists, from the traditional approach to teaching “method of teaching and transfer”. We believe that only a symbiosis of knowledge will allow to carry out quality vocational training. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was formed in the context of a new non-systemic pedagogical paradigm, for which general scientific methods were used, in particular analysis and synthesis. Specific methods of technology were used to conduct empirical research, including factor analysis based on the main components and logic. Results: the biotechnology study program provides appropriate training for young people's professional careers as pharmacists, but also enables them to work in pharmaceutical enterprises, research institutes.<br />{"references":["Aryistanova T., Aryistanov Zh. (2012). 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