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Ectatomma parasiticum Feitosa, Hora & Delabie, 2008, sp. nov

Authors :
Feitosa, R. M.
Hora, R. R.
Delabie, J. H. C.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2008.


Ectatomma parasiticum Feitosa & Fresneau, sp. nov. Figures 1, 2 Holotype gyne. MEXICO: Apazapan, Veracruz, 19��19'38"N96��43'21"W, ix.1999, D. Fresneau col. [INEC]. Paratypes. same data as holotype (1 gyne) [CPDC]; (1 gyne) [UNCB]; (1 gyne) [INEC]; vii.2000, D. Fresneau & R. Hora cols. (1 gyne) [LACM]; (2 gynes) [MZSP]; (1 gyne) [USNM]. Diagnosis. Size relatively small (WL approximately 3.80 mm); clypeus and frontal area without sculpture; antennal scapes longer than the maximum head width (SI> 108); petiole relatively thick in lateral view. Gyne description. Holotype (paratypes): HL 2.10 (2.06-2.16); HW 1.85 (1.73-1.88); SL 2.04 (1.92- 2.06); EL 0.51 (0.50-0.58); PW 1.69 (1.62-1.77); WL 3.88 (3.65-4.04); PTL 0.79 (0.78-0.88); PTW 0.92 (0.92-1.07); CI 88.07 (84.11-88.89); SI 110.42 (108.57-113.04); OI 27.50 (27.50-31.25); PTI 85 (82.14- 85.71). Color yellowish brown to dark reddish brown, including appendages. Mandibles finely and densely striate, with sparse piligerous punctures; clypeus, genae, and frontal area predominantly smooth, but opaque; dorsal surface of head densely and coarsely reticulated, except for the areas of antennal articulations, which are finely punctate; ventral surface of head with sparse longitudinal striae; antennal scapes finely and longitudinally striate. Mesosoma with variously oriented costulae, from sparse and transverse on dorsum of pronotum and propodeum to dense and subconcentric on the dorsum of scutum and scutellum; forecoxae with dense, fine, regular transverse striation; legs mostly smooth and shining. Lateral and posterior faces of petiolar node with sparse, short, longitudinal costulae; sculpture of gaster consisting of arched, transverse costulae, becoming gradually finer from first to terminal segment. Pilosity cream-colored. Body covered by relatively sparse, long, suberect hairs; antennal scapes and legs with short, suberect hairs; antennal funiculi and tarsi covered by fine apressed pubescence. Head subrectangular, with weakly convex lateral borders and vertexal margin straight; masticatory margins of mandibles multidenticulate and with a large apical tooth; clypeus strongly convex anteriorly; frontal lobes reduced; scapes in repose fairly surpassing the posterolateral margins of vertex; funicular segments gradually thickened distally; compound eyes placed near the posterolateral portions of head; ocelli present and reduced in size. Pronotum with a distinct median eminence directed forward and a conspicuous pair of dorsolateral (humeral) projections; scutum large and rounded; notauli almost indistinct among sculpturation; parapsidial lines feebly visible and subparallel; scutoscutellar sulcus deeply impressed; scutellum relatively narrow and strongly convex, in lateral view; dorsal face of propodeum meeting the declivous face in a pair of reduced, blunt teeth; propodeal spiracle elliptical. Wing venation fully developed. Forewing with a weakly colored stigma; longitudinal veins Sc+R, SR, M, Cu, and A present; SR extending distally beyond stigma, forming 1R and 2R cells; cross vein 1r vestigial, not forming the 2R cell; M and Cu also extend distally as tubular veins for most of their length; A not extending beyond the junction with Cu; C, R, Cu, 1M, 1Cu, and SR cells closed. Hind wing with Sc+R extending beyond point where they connect to M, which continues as a tubular vein as much as Sc+R and then extends as spectral vein to wing distal border; basally M+Cu extending as a tubular vein beyond junction with Anal vein, which continues shortly beyond this point; seven submedian hamuli present. Petiole ventrally carinate; in lateral view, petiolar node thick and subtriangular; anterior slope nearly concave and posterior slope slightly convex. Sternite of first gastral segment with a distinct anterior projection. Worker. Unknown (but see comments bellow). Male. Unknown. Etymology. The specific epithet is a reference to the parasitic nature of this species. Comments. Gynes of the socially parasitic Ectatomma parasiticum can be distinguished from the gynes of its host species, E. tuberculatum, by the following features: sparser sculpture on the body; smaller size (Fig. 2), with WL approximately 3.80 mm (around 5.40 mm in E. tuberculatum); clypeus and frontal area devoid of any sculpture (usually longitudinally striate in E. tuberculatum); antennal scapes longer than the maximum head width, with SI> 108 (<br />Published as part of Feitosa, R. M., Hora, R. R. & Delabie, J. H. C., 2008, A new social parasite in the ant genus Ectatomma F. Smith (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ectatomminae)., pp. 47-52 in Zootaxa 1713 on pages 49-52


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