The Rare TXNRD1_v3 ('v3') Splice Variant of Human Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Protein Is Targeted to Membrane Rafts by N-Acylation and Induces Filopodia Independently of Its Redox Active Site Integrity*
Marcus Cebula, et al. The Rare TXNRD1_v3 ('v3’) Splice Variant of Human Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Protein Is Targeted to Membrane Rafts by N-Acylation and Induces Filopodia Independently of Its Redox Active Site Integrity*. Feb. 2013. EBSCOhost,
Marcus Cebula, Alexio Capovilla, Elias S.J. Arnér, & Naazneen Moolla. (2013). The Rare TXNRD1_v3 ('v3’) Splice Variant of Human Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Protein Is Targeted to Membrane Rafts by N-Acylation and Induces Filopodia Independently of Its Redox Active Site Integrity*.
Marcus Cebula, Alexio Capovilla, Elias S.J. Arnér, and Naazneen Moolla. 2013. “The Rare TXNRD1_v3 ('v3’) Splice Variant of Human Thioredoxin Reductase 1 Protein Is Targeted to Membrane Rafts by N-Acylation and Induces Filopodia Independently of Its Redox Active Site Integrity*,” February.