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Minimally-invasive treatments for benign thyroid nodules: a Delphi-based consensus statement from the Italian minimally-invasive treatments of the thyroid (MITT) group

Authors :
Martina Sollini
Stella Bernardi
Claudio Maurizio Pacella
Laura Fugazzola
Giovanni Gambelunghe
Giovanni Mauri
Fulvio Stacul
Bruno Raggiunti
Roberto Garberoglio
Luca Cozzaglio
Daniele Barbaro
Gioacchino Giugliano
Luigi Solbiati
Roberto Cesareo
Enrico Papini
Dominique Van Doorne
Francesco De Cobelli
Arturo Chiti
Luca Maria Sconfienza
Stefano Spiezia
Roberto Negro
Luca Persani
Vito Cantisani
Ettore Seregni
Maurilio Deandrea
Gaetano Achille
Francesco Sardanelli
Livio Luzi
Anna Crescenzi
Papini, Enrico
Pacella, Claudio Maurizio
Solbiati, Luigi Alessandro
Achille, Gaetano
Barbaro, Daniele
Bernardi, Stella
Cantisani, Vito
Cesareo, Roberto
Chiti, Arturo
Cozzaglio, Luca
Crescenzi, Anna
De Cobelli, Francesco
Deandrea, Maurilio
Fugazzola, Laura
Gambelunghe, Giovanni
Garberoglio, Roberto
Giugliano, Gioacchino
Luzi, Livio
Negro, Roberto
Persani, Luca
Raggiunti, Bruno
Sardanelli, Francesco
Seregni, Ettore
Sollini, Martina
Spiezia, Stefano
Stacul, Fulvio
Van Doorne, Dominique
Sconfienza, Luca Maria
Mauri, Giovanni
Papini, E.
Pacella, C. M.
Solbiati, L. A.
Achille, G.
Barbaro, D.
Bernardi, S.
Cantisani, V.
Cesareo, R.
Chiti, A.
Cozzaglio, L.
Crescenzi, A.
De Cobelli, F.
Deandrea, M.
Fugazzola, L.
Gambelunghe, G.
Garberoglio, R.
Giugliano, G.
Luzi, L.
Negro, R.
Persani, L.
Raggiunti, B.
Sardanelli, F.
Seregni, E.
Sollini, M.
Spiezia, S.
Stacul, F.
Van Doorne, D.
Sconfienza, L. M.
Mauri, G.
Source :
International Journal of Hyperthermia, Vol 36, Iss 1, Pp 375-381 (2019)
Publication Year :


Benign thyroid nodules are a common clinical occurrence and usually do not require treatment unless symptomatic. During the last years, ultrasound-guided minimally invasive treatments (MIT) gained an increasing role in the management of nodules causing local symptoms. In February 2018, the Italian MIT Thyroid Group was founded to create a permanent cooperation between Italian and international physicians dedicated to clinical research and assistance on MIT for thyroid nodules. The group drafted this list of statements based on literature review and consensus opinion of interdisciplinary experts to facilitate the diffusion and the appropriate use of MIT of thyroid nodules in clinical practice. (#1) Predominantly cystic/cystic symptomatic nodules should first undergo US-guided aspiration; ethanol injection should be performed if relapsing (level of evidence [LoE]: ethanol is superior to simple aspiration = 2); (#2) In symptomatic cystic nodules, thermal ablation is an option when symptoms persist after ethanol ablation (LoE = 4); (#3) Double cytological benignity confirmation is needed before thermal ablation (LoE = 2); (#4) Single cytological sample is adequate in ultrasound low risk (EU-TIRADS ≤3) and in autonomously functioning nodules (LoE = 2); (#5) Thermal ablation may be proposed as first-line treatment for solid, symptomatic, nonfunctioning, benign nodules (LoE = 2); (#6) Thermal ablation may be used for dominant lesions in nonfunctioning multinodular goiter in patients refusing/not eligible for surgery (LoE = 5); (#7) Clinical and ultrasound follow-up is appropriate after thermal ablation (LoE = 2); (#8) Nodule re-treatment can be considered when symptoms relapse or partially resolve (LoE = 2); (#9) In case of nodule regrowth, a new cytological assessment is suggested before second ablation (LoE = 5); (#10) Thermal ablation is an option for autonomously functioning nodules in patients refusing/not eligible for radioiodine or surgery (LoE = 2); (#11) Small autonomously functioning nodules can be treated with thermal ablation when thyroid tissue sparing is a priority and ≥80% nodule volume ablation is expected (LoE = 3).


Language :
Database :
Journal :
International Journal of Hyperthermia, Vol 36, Iss 1, Pp 375-381 (2019)
Accession number :