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The case for simplifying and using absolute targets for viral hepatitis elimination goals

Authors :
Tsendsuren S. Oyunsuren
Chari Cohen
Waseem Hamoudi
Yao‐Chun Hsu
Harry L.A. Janssen
Hisham El Khayat
Manal H El-Sayed
Wan-Long Chuang
Young-Suk Lim
Mohamed Hassany
Fernando Passos Cupertino de Barros
Faisal Abaalkhail
Stefan Zeuzem
Samual S Lee
Miriam T. Levy
Imam Waked
Vassiliki Papaevangelou
James Fung
Erika Castro Batänjer
Kathryn Razavi-Shearer
Boatemaa Ntiri‐ Reid
Rosmawati Mohamed
Pagbajabyn Nymadawa
Robert Flisiak
Alnoor Ramji
Carole Seguin-Devaux
Sherif Mogawer
Béla Hunyady
Huma Qureshi
Mojca Matičič
Martin Lagging
Mark W. Sonderup
Xiaoguang Dou
Anne Oevrehus
William Sievert
Ezequiel Ridruejo
Ann-Sofi Duberg
Ahad Eshraghian
R. P. Shanmugam
Arif Nawaz
Qing Xie
Rick Dunn
Sayed Himatt
Daniel Shouval
Mendez Sanchez Nahum
Sabahattin Kaymakoglu
Vincent Wai-Sun Wong
Soek-Siam Tan
Willis Maddrey
Papu Prasad
Amjad Salamat
Stephanie Popping
Alice Lee
Maurizia Rossana Brunetto
Khalid Alswat
Peyton Thompson
Dong Joon Kim
Henry Chang
Amir Ali Sohrabpour
Ellen Dugan
Peer Brehm Christensen
David A. M. C. van de Vijver
Joaquín Cabezas
Su Wang
Ala I. Sharara
Peter Jarcuska
Karine Lacombe
Danjuma Adda
Sammy Saab
Chien-Jen Chen
Hwai I. Yang
Sanaa Said
Raymond F. Schinazi
Shyamasundaran Kottilil
Graham R. Foster
Qing Ning
Mehlika Toy
Ira M. Jacobson
Ayat R. Abdallah
Laura Cisneros
Dhondup Tashi
Naveed Z. Janjua
Moutaz Derbala
Marcelo Kugelmas
Steven L. Flamm
Angelos Hatzakis
Yusuf Yilmaz
Mark S. Sulkowski
Eugene R. Schiff
Kakharman Yesmembetov
John F. Dillon
Rittoo Prithiviputh
Carlos Eduardo Brandão-Mello
Rajender Reddy
Françoise Roudot-Thoraval
Lewis R. Roberts
Javier Crespo
Massimo Colombo
Nancy Steinfurth
I. M. Hoepelman
Kosh Agarwal
Faisal M. Sanai
Waleed Al-Hamoudi
Shuang Liu
Beat Muellhaupt
Sonjelle Shilton
Curtis Cooper
Calvin Q. Pan
Aijaz Ahmed
Wai-cheung C Lao
Alejandro Soza
Patricia Vélez‐Möller
Ibrahim Altraif
Tarik Asselah
Junko Tanaka
Badr Aljarallah
Adriana Vince
Faryal Khamis
Juan Francisco Sánchez-Ávila
Rafael Esteban Mur
Kimberly A. Brown
Saad Al-Kaabi
Ming-Lung Yu
Jonas Valantinas
Marieta Simonova
Javier García-Samaniego
Do Young Kim
Ieva Tolmane
Valentina Liakina
Antonio Craxì
Devin Razavi-Shearer
Waldemar Halota
Stuart K. Roberts
Donna Cryer
Kenneth Kabagambe
William Remak
Jeffrey V. Lazarus
Brian Conway
Sameera Ezzat
C Wendy Spearman
Karolin Falconer
Maria C Mendes Correa
Poonam Mathur
Ferruccio Bonino
Jose Luis Calleja
Said A. Al-Busafi
E. A. Croes
Tim Block
Shahin Merat
Francesco Negro
Reza Malekzadeh
Fernando L. Gonçales
Amany Zekry
Wahid Doss
Michael Ninburg
Philip Bruggmann
Man-Fung Yuen
George V. Papatheodoridis
Aasim Yusuf
David Kershenobich
Bruce R. Bacon
Abdul Rahman Bizri
Gamal Esmat
Sarah Blach
Hamad Al-Romaihi
Tatsuya Kanto
Ibrahim Mostafa
Homie Razavi
Alessio Aghemo
Mauricio Orrego
Jia-Horng Kao
Daniel Lavanchy
Zobair M. Younossi
Henry Lik-Yuen Chan
Anna Kramvis
David H. Muljono
Clemens Richter
Hla-Hla Thein
Fernando Bessone
Paulo Roberto Abrão Ferreira
Geoffrey Dusheiko
Susan Hay
Geert Robaeys
Eduardo Fassio
Loreta A. Kondili
Jorge Mera
Khalid Al-Naamani
Alaa Osman
Saleh A. Alqahtani
Joseph Doyle
Necati Örmeci
Yee Tak Hui
Heiner Wedemeyer
Laith Jamal Abu Raddad
Masayuki Kurosaki
Rui Tato Marinho
Robert G. Gish
Zaigham Abbas
Seiji Yamada
Giada Sebastiani
Cihan Yurdaydin
Maria Buti
Paulo Ferrinho
Razavi H.
Blach S.
Razavi-Shearer D.
Abaalkhail F.
Abbas Z.
Abdallah A.
Abrao Ferreira P.
Abu Raddad L.J.
Adda D.
Agarwal K.
Aghemo A.
Ahmed A.
Al-Busafi S.A.
Al-hamoudi W.
Al-Kaabi S.
Al-Romaihi H.
Aljarallah B.
AlNaamani K.
Alqahtani S.
Alswat K.
Altraif I.
Asselah T.
Bacon B.
Bessone F.
Bizri A.R.
Block T.
Bonino F.
Brandao-Mello C.E.
Brown K.
Bruggmann P.
Brunetto M.R.
Buti M.
Cabezas J.
Calleja J.L.
Castro Batanjer E.
Chan H.L.-Y.
Chang H.
Chen C.-J.
Christensen P.B.
Chuang W.-L.
Cisneros L.
Cohen C.
Colombo M.
Conway B.
Cooper C.
Craxi A.
Crespo J.
Croes E.
Cryer D.
Cupertino de Barros F.P.
Derbala M.
Dillon J.
Doss W.
Dou X.
Doyle J.
Duberg A.-S.
Dugan E.
Dunn R.
Dusheiko G.
El Khayat H.
El-Sayed M.H.
Eshraghian A.
Esmat G.
Esteban Mur R.
Ezzat S.
Falconer K.
Fassio E.
Ferrinho P.
Flamm S.
Flisiak R.
Foster G.
Fung J.
Garcia-Samaniego J.
Gish R.G.
Goncales F.
Halota W.
Hamoudi W.
Hassany M.
Hatzakis A.
Hay S.
Himatt S.
Hoepelman I.M.
Hsu Y.-C.
Hui Y.T.
Hunyady B.
Jacobson I.
Janjua N.
Janssen H.
Jarcuska P.
Kabagambe K.
Kanto T.
Kao J.-H.
Kaymakoglu S.
Kershenobich D.
Khamis F.
Kim D.J.
Kim D.Y.
Kondili L.A.
Kottilil S.
Kramvis A.
Kugelmas M.
Kurosaki M.
Lacombe K.
Lagging M.
Lao W.-C.
Lavanchy D.
Lazarus J.V.
Lee A.
Lee S.S.
Levy M.
Liakina V.
Lim Y.-S.
Liu S.
Maddrey W.
Malekzadeh R.
Marinho R.T.
Mathur P.
Maticic M.
Mendes Correa M.C.
Mera J.
Merat S.
Mogawer S.
Mohamed R.
Muellhaupt B.
Muljono D.
Mostafa I.
Nahum M.S.
Nawaz A.
Negro F.
Ninburg M.
Ning Q.
Ntiri- Reid B.
Nymadawa P.
Oevrehus A.
Ormeci N.
Orrego M.
Osman A.
Oyunsuren T.
Pan C.
Papaevangelou V.
Papatheodoridis G.
Popping S.
Prasad P.
Prithiviputh R.
Qureshi H.
Ramji A.
Razavi-Shearer K.
Reddy R.
Remak W.
Richter C.
Ridruejo E.
Robaeys G.
Roberts S.
Roberts L.
Roudot-Thoraval F.
Saab S.
Said S.
Salamat A.
Sanai F.
Sanchez-Avila J.F.
Schiff E.
Schinazi R.
Sebastiani G.
Seguin-Devaux C.
Shanmugam R.P.
Sharara A.
Shilton S.
Shouval D.
Sievert W.
Simonova M.
Sohrabpour A.A.
Sonderup M.
Soza A.
Wendy Spearman C.
Steinfurth N.
Sulkowski M.
Tan S.-S.
Tanaka J.
Tashi D.
Thein H.-H.
Thompson P.
Tolmane I.
Toy M.
Valantinas J.
Van de Vijver D.
Velez-Moller P.
Vince A.
Waked I.
Wang S.
Wedemeyer H.
Wong V.
Xie Q.
Yamada S.
Yang H.-I.
Yesmembetov K.
Yilmaz Y.
Younossi Z.
Yu M.-L.
Yuen M.-F.
Yurdaydin C.
Yusuf A.
Zekry A.
Zeuzem S.
Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Negro, Francesco
Source :
Polaris Observatory Collaborators, Christensen, P B & Øvrehus, A L H 2021, ' The case for simplifying and using absolute targets for viral hepatitis elimination goals ', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 12-19 ., Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 28(1), 12-19. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Viral Hepatitis, Vol. 28, No 1 (2021) pp. 12-19
Publication Year :


The 69th World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Health Sector Strategy for Viral Hepatitis, embracing a goal to eliminate hepatitis infection as a public health threat by 2030. This was followed by the World Health Organization's (WHO) global targets for the care and management of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. These announcements and targets were important in raising awareness and calling for action; however, tracking countries’ progress towards these elimination goals has provided insights to the limitations of these targets. The existing targets compare a country's progress relative to its 2015 values, penalizing countries who started their programmes prior to 2015, countries with a young population, or countries with a low prevalence. We recommend that (1) WHO simplify the hepatitis elimination targets, (2) change to absolute targets and (3) allow countries to achieve these disease targets with their own service coverage initiatives that will have the maximum impact. The recommended targets are as follows: reduce HCV new chronic cases to ≤5 per 100000, reduce HBV prevalence among 1-year-olds to ≤0.1%, reduce HBV and HCV mortality to ≤5 per 100000, and demonstrate HBV and HCV year-to-year decrease in new HCV- and HBV-related HCC cases. The objective of our recommendations is not to lower expectations or diminish the hepatitis elimination standards, but to provide clearer targets that recognize the past and current elimination efforts by countries, help measure progress towards true elimination, and motivate other countries to follow suit.


Language :
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Journal :
Polaris Observatory Collaborators, Christensen, P B & Øvrehus, A L H 2021, ' The case for simplifying and using absolute targets for viral hepatitis elimination goals ', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 12-19 ., Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 28(1), 12-19. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Viral Hepatitis, Vol. 28, No 1 (2021) pp. 12-19
Accession number :