Risk of nephrolithiasis in primary hyperparathyroidism is associated with two polymorphisms of the calcium-sensing receptor gene
Giuseppe Vezzoli, et al. “Risk of Nephrolithiasis in Primary Hyperparathyroidism Is Associated with Two Polymorphisms of the Calcium-Sensing Receptor Gene.” Journal of Nephrology, vol. 28, no. 1, Feb. 2014. EBSCOhost,
Giuseppe Vezzoli, Alessandra Mingione, Elena Dogliotti, Donatella Spotti, Cristina Eller-Vainicher, Sabrina Corbetta, Vito Guarnieri, Lorenza Macrina, Daniele Cusi, Alfredo Scillitani, David E. C. Cole, Caterina Brasacchio, Geoffrey N. Hendy, Anna Spada, Laura Soldati, Annalisa Terranegra, & Teresa Arcidiacono. (2014). Risk of nephrolithiasis in primary hyperparathyroidism is associated with two polymorphisms of the calcium-sensing receptor gene. Journal of Nephrology, 28(1).
Giuseppe Vezzoli, Alessandra Mingione, Elena Dogliotti, Donatella Spotti, Cristina Eller-Vainicher, Sabrina Corbetta, Vito Guarnieri, et al. 2014. “Risk of Nephrolithiasis in Primary Hyperparathyroidism Is Associated with Two Polymorphisms of the Calcium-Sensing Receptor Gene.” Journal of Nephrology 28 (1).