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Rare EIF4A2 variants are associated with a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by intellectual disability, hypotonia, and epilepsy

Authors :
Maimuna S. Paul
Anna R. Duncan
Casie A. Genetti
Hongling Pan
Adam Jackson
Patricia E. Grant
Jiahai Shi
Michele Pinelli
Nicola Brunetti-Pierri
Alexandra Garza-Flores
Dave Shahani
Russell P. Saneto
Giuseppe Zampino
Chiara Leoni
Emanuele Agolini
Antonio Novelli
Ulrike Blümlein
Tobias B. Haack
Wolfram Heinritz
Eva Matzker
Bader Alhaddad
Rami Abou Jamra
Tobias Bartolomaeus
Saber AlHamdan
Raphael Carapito
Bertrand Isidor
Seiamak Bahram
Alyssa Ritter
Kosuke Izumi
Ben Pode Shakked
Ortal Barel
Bruria Ben Zeev
Amber Begtrup
Deanna Alexis Carere
Sureni V. Mullegama
Timothy Blake Palculict
Daniel G. Calame
Katharina Schwan
Alicia R.P. Aycinena
Rasa Traberg
Sofia Douzgou
Harrison Pirt
Naila Ismayilova
Siddharth Banka
Hsiao-Tuan Chao
Pankaj B. Agrawal
Paul, Maimuna S
Duncan, Anna R
Genetti, Casie A
Pan, Hongling
Jackson, Adam
Grant, Patricia E
Shi, Jiahai
Pinelli, Michele
Brunetti-Pierri, Nicola
Garza-Flores, Alexandra
Shahani, Dave
Saneto, Russell P
Zampino, Giuseppe
Leoni, Chiara
Agolini, Emanuele
Novelli, Antonio
Blümlein, Ulrike
Haack, Tobias B
Heinritz, Wolfram
Matzker, Eva
Alhaddad, Bader
Abou Jamra, Rami
Bartolomaeus, Tobia
Alhamdan, Saber
Carapito, Raphael
Isidor, Bertrand
Bahram, Seiamak
Ritter, Alyssa
Izumi, Kosuke
Shakked, Ben Pode
Barel, Ortal
Ben Zeev, Bruria
Begtrup, Amber
Carere, Deanna Alexi
Mullegama, Sureni V
Palculict, Timothy Blake
Calame, Daniel G
Schwan, Katharina
Aycinena, Alicia R P
Traberg, Rasa
Douzgou, Sofia
Pirt, Harrison
Ismayilova, Naila
Banka, Siddharth
Chao, Hsiao-Tuan
Agrawal, Pankaj B
Source :
Am J Hum Genet
Publication Year :


Eukaryotic initiation factor-4A2 (EIF4A2) is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase and a member of the DEAD-box protein family that recognizes the 5' cap structure of mRNAs, allows mRNA to bind to the ribosome, and plays an important role in microRNA-regulated gene repression. Here, we report on 15 individuals from 14 families presenting with global developmental delay, intellectual disability, hypotonia, epilepsy, and structural brain anomalies, all of whom have extremely rare de novo mono-allelic or inherited bi-allelic variants in EIF4A2. Neurodegeneration was predominantly reported in individuals with bi-allelic variants. Molecular modeling predicts these variants would perturb structural interactions in key protein domains. To determine the pathogenicity of the EIF4A2 variants in vivo, we examined the mono-allelic variants in Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) and identified variant-specific behavioral and developmental defects. The fruit fly homolog of EIF4A2 is eIF4A, a negative regulator of decapentaplegic (dpp) signaling that regulates embryo patterning, eye and wing morphogenesis, and stem cell identity determination. Our loss-of-function (LOF) rescue assay demonstrated a pupal lethality phenotype induced by loss of eIF4A, which was fully rescued with human EIF4A2 wild-type (WT) cDNA expression. In comparison, the EIF4A2 variant cDNAs failed or incompletely rescued the lethality. Overall, our findings reveal that EIF4A2 variants cause a genetic neurodevelopmental syndrome with both LOF and gain of function as underlying mechanisms.


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Journal :
Am J Hum Genet
Accession number :