2.6 Mb YAC contig of the human X inactivation center region in Xq13: physical linkage of the RPS4X, PHKA1, XIST and DXS128E genes
Ronald G. Lafreniere, et al. 2.6 Mb YAC Contig of the Human X Inactivation Center Region in Xq13: Physical Linkage of the RPS4X, PHKA1, XIST and DXS128E Genes. July 2016. EBSCOhost,
Ronald G. Lafreniere, Patricia Taillon-Miller, Jamel Chelly, Carolyn J. Brown, Anthony P. Monaco, A C Chinault, H.F. Willard, & Sue Rider. (2016). 2.6 Mb YAC contig of the human X inactivation center region in Xq13: physical linkage of the RPS4X, PHKA1, XIST and DXS128E genes.
Ronald G. Lafreniere, Patricia Taillon-Miller, Jamel Chelly, Carolyn J. Brown, Anthony P. Monaco, A C Chinault, H.F. Willard, and Sue Rider. 2016. “2.6 Mb YAC Contig of the Human X Inactivation Center Region in Xq13: Physical Linkage of the RPS4X, PHKA1, XIST and DXS128E Genes,” July.