Newly identified synergy between clopidogrel and calcium-channel blockers for blood pressure regulation possibly involves CYP2C19 rs4244285
Maria G. Stathopoulou, et al. Newly Identified Synergy between Clopidogrel and Calcium-Channel Blockers for Blood Pressure Regulation Possibly Involves CYP2C19 Rs4244285. Oct. 2013. EBSCOhost,⟩.
Maria G. Stathopoulou, Sophie Visvikis-Siest, Nathalie Thilly, Said El Shamieh, Luís S. Santos, Gérard Siest, Pedro Monteiro, Eva M Peñas-Lledó, Payman Shahabi, & Adrián LLerena. (2013). Newly identified synergy between clopidogrel and calcium-channel blockers for blood pressure regulation possibly involves CYP2C19 rs4244285.⟩
Maria G. Stathopoulou, Sophie Visvikis-Siest, Nathalie Thilly, Said El Shamieh, Luís S. Santos, Gérard Siest, Pedro Monteiro, Eva M Peñas-Lledó, Payman Shahabi, and Adrián LLerena. 2013. “Newly Identified Synergy between Clopidogrel and Calcium-Channel Blockers for Blood Pressure Regulation Possibly Involves CYP2C19 Rs4244285,” October. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.04.097⟩.