Investigating chemical changes during Snake fruit and Black tea Kombucha fermentation and the associated immunomodulatory activity in Salmonella typhi-infected mice
Elok Zubaidah, et al. “Investigating Chemical Changes during Snake Fruit and Black Tea Kombucha Fermentation and the Associated Immunomodulatory Activity in Salmonella Typhi-Infected Mice.” Potravinarstvo, vol. 14, Oct. 2020, pp. 995–1000. EBSCOhost,
Elok Zubaidah, Ignatius Srianta, Muhaimin Rifa’i, Vania Valencia, & Ihab Tewfik. (2020). Investigating chemical changes during Snake fruit and Black tea Kombucha fermentation and the associated immunomodulatory activity in Salmonella typhi-infected mice. Potravinarstvo, 14, 995–1000.
Elok Zubaidah, Ignatius Srianta, Muhaimin Rifa’i, Vania Valencia, and Ihab Tewfik. 2020. “Investigating Chemical Changes during Snake Fruit and Black Tea Kombucha Fermentation and the Associated Immunomodulatory Activity in Salmonella Typhi-Infected Mice.” Potravinarstvo 14 (October): 995–1000.