Atomic-scale study of the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition mechanism in GeTe thin films
R. Mantovan 1, et al. “Atomic-Scale Study of the Amorphous-to-Crystalline Phase Transition Mechanism in GeTe Thin Films.” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, Aug. 2017. EBSCOhost,
R. Mantovan 1, R. Fallica 1, A. Mokhles Gerami 2, 3, T. E. Mølholt 2, C. Wiemer 1, M. Longo 1, H. P. Gunnlaugsson 4, K. Johnston 2, H. Masenda 5, D. Naidoo 5, M. Ncube 5, K. Bharuth-Ram 6, 7, M. Fanciulli 1, 8, H. P. Gislason 4, G. Langouche 9, S. Ólafsson 4, & G. Weyer 10. (2017). Atomic-scale study of the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition mechanism in GeTe thin films. Scientific Reports, 7.
R. Mantovan 1, R. Fallica 1, A. Mokhles Gerami 2, 3, T. E. Mølholt 2, C. Wiemer 1, M. Longo 1, et al. 2017. “Atomic-Scale Study of the Amorphous-to-Crystalline Phase Transition Mechanism in GeTe Thin Films.” Scientific Reports 7 (August). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08275-5.