Exosomes derived from HIV-1-infected cells promote growth and progression of cancer via HIV TAR RNA
Bingcheng Wang, et al. “Exosomes Derived from HIV-1-Infected Cells Promote Growth and Progression of Cancer via HIV TAR RNA.” Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 2017. EBSCOhost,
Bingcheng Wang, Zhimin Feng, Chad A. Zender, Jonathan Karn, Clifford V. Harding, Scott F. Sieg, Uri Mbonye, Douglas A. Bazdar, Hong Yue, Ge Jin, Leslie A Bruggeman, & Lechuang Chen. (2017). Exosomes derived from HIV-1-infected cells promote growth and progression of cancer via HIV TAR RNA. Nature Communications, 9(1).
Bingcheng Wang, Zhimin Feng, Chad A. Zender, Jonathan Karn, Clifford V. Harding, Scott F. Sieg, Uri Mbonye, et al. 2017. “Exosomes Derived from HIV-1-Infected Cells Promote Growth and Progression of Cancer via HIV TAR RNA.” Nature Communications 9 (1).