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Combination of measurements of inclusive deep inelastic e±p scattering cross sections and QCD analysis of HERA data: H1 and ZEUS Collaborations

Authors :
R.C.E. Devenish
G. Grzelak
Jenny List
D. Ozerov
Claire Gwenlan
Marina Rotaru
F. Januschek
Richard Polifka
Fabian Zomer
J. Szuba
N. Stefaniuk
P. Stopa
S. Ghazaryan
Pavel A. Belov
Philipp Henkenjohann
Hannes Jung
O. Zenaiev
Aharon Levy
J. Grebenyuk
Robert Klanner
L. M. Shcheglova
H. U. Martyn
Matthias Klein
L. Stanco
I. Kadenko
Ie. Korol
Roland Horisberger
A. Valkárová
Sebastian Mergelmeyer
R. Žlebčík
O. Kononenko
F. Mohamad Idris
P. E. Reimer
Alan Campbell
N. Kondrashova
I. A. Korzhavina
W. Perlanski
Karel Cerny
Roman Kogler
Danuta Kisielewska
A. Behrendt Dubak
D. Salek
Peter Robmann
R. Brugnera
Yu.O. Shyrma
N. Zakharchuk
Kerstin Borras
S. Schmitt
B. B. Levchenko
Andrii Gizhko
P. Roloff
M. Kapichine
B. Foster
S. Dusini
T. Tsurugai
C. Niebuhr
Yu. A. Golubkov
E. Paul
K. Wichmann
M. Adamus
A.S. Belousov
C. Pascaud
C. Vallée
A. Lebedev
U. Karshon
Sergey Rusakov
P. Truöl
Grzegorz Nowak
R. Shevchenko
A. Longhin
B. Stella
V. Dodonov
L. K. Gladilin
R. K. Dementiev
J. G. Contreras
Orel Gueta
Andrii Verbytskyi
Mariusz Przybycien
M. Corradi
O. Viazlo
B. Tseepeldorj
S. Egli
G. Gach
A. Bruni
V. Andreev
Marta Ruspa
E.G. Boos
M. Jacquet
N. Z. Jomhari
M. Steder
Andreas Meyer
Vladyslav Libov
Marco Schioppa
J. Ciborowski
Y. Aushev
Y. Soloviev
V. Spaskov
A. M. Fomenko
W. B. Schmidke
J. Hladkỳ
Enrico Tassi
Laurent Schoeffel
Murrough Landon
W. A. T. Wan Abdullah
Katerina Lipka
Masaki Ishitsuka
Paul Laycock
E. Malinovski
O. Shkola
Emmanuelle Perez
R. C. W. Henderson
J. E. Olsson
Ian Brock
W. Słomiński
Ulf Behrens
H. Kowalski
Elisabetta Gallo
D. Lontkovskyi
M. Fleischer
R. Walczak
Emmanuel Sauvan
D. Notz
G. Grindhammer
D. Britzger
Yu. Onishchuk
Voica Radescu
A. Trofymov
Dirk L. Hoffmann
Christoph Grab
J. Turnau
K. Begzsuren
S. Yamada
D.S. Zotkin
T. Greenshaw
C. D. Catterall
J. Cvach
Manjit Kaur
E. Elsen
Laurent Favart
Natasa Raicevic
Vincent Boudry
A. Grebenyuk
J. Katzy
J. Feltesse
D. H. Saxon
Wolfgang Lange
I. Abt
I. Tsakov
N. Zhmak
A. Specka
A. Nikiforov
David M. South
Uta Klein
Nataliia Kovalchuk
B. Krupa
H. Pirumov
P. Sopicki
Stephen Maxfield
Dave Sankey
A. N. Morozov
Leszek Adamczyk
Ganna Dolinska
V. Brisson
J. Ferencei
J. Malka
Y. Vazdik
Cristinel Diaconu
A. Baghdasaryan
S. Kananov
A. Rostovtsev
D. Szuba
A. Garfagnini
P. Van Mechelen
Gy. Wolf
N.S. Pokrovskiy
Allen Caldwell
W. Hain
P. D. Thompson
N. Gogitidze
T. Ravdandorj
Claus Kleinwort
Amanda Cooper-Sarkar
E. Rizvi
G. D. Patel
Biljana Antunović
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri
J. Gayler
B.O. Zhautykov
Takuya Nobe
Katsuo Tokushuku
Zainol Abidin Ibrahim
P. Kostka
E. Lobodzinska
D. Wegener
T. Tymieniecka
D. Krücker
O. Yu. Lukina
Tomas Sykora
M. Sauter
Yuji Yamazaki
V. Myronenko
U. Kötz
Halina Abramowicz
M. Kuze
D. Haidt
A. Bylinkin
I. Rubinsky
E. Lohrmann
Aleksander Filip Żarnecki
H. J. Meyer
A. Bertolin
Thomas Schörner-Sadenius
Janusz Chwastowski
Ingo Bloch
R. J. Nowak
A. Buniatyan
S. Mikocki
L. Zawiejski
M. Turcato
Z. P. Zhang
E. Wünsch
I. Gregor
K. Daum
R. Roosen
Kunihiro Nagano
K. B. Cantun Avila
C. Kiesling
K. Müller
Monica Dobre
I. Picuric
P. Kaur
Guenter Eckerlin
J. Sztuk-Dambietz
André Schöning
Th. Naumann
O. Turkot
P. Pahl
E. Gabathuler
R. Hori
I. Makarenko
L. Goerlich
N. H. Brook
D. Traynor
Ankita Mehta
Daniel Pitzl
Y. Iga
O. Kuprash
Jan Figiel
S. Levonian
I. O. Skillicorn
A. Iudin
M. Lisovyi
F. Sefkow
Marcin Pawel Guzik
U. Schneekloth
Jan Kretzschmar
D. Hochman
P. J. Bussey
R. Ciesielski
J-P. Meyer
Olaf Behnke
Maxime Gouzevitch
Matthew Wing
J. B. Dainton
Gerhard Brandt
J. Tomaszewska
Xavier Janssen
A. Petrukhin
Benno List
Katja Krüger
A. Stern
A. V. Fedotov
Paul Newman
Achim Geiser
U. Straumann
L. Bystritskaya
V. Aushev
S. Antonelli
N. Muhammad Nasir
H. Zohrabyan
V. Chekelian
B. Löhr
B. Lobodzinski
Ada Solano
S. Limentani
I. Singh
B. Pokorny
Francois Corriveau
A. Kotański
J. Žáček
F. Huber
S. Shushkevich
Marcella Capua
Tomas Hreus
Source :
European Physical Journal C.
Publication Year :


A combination is presented of all inclusive deep inelastic cross sections previously published by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations at HERA for neutral and charged current $e^{\pm}p$ scattering for zero beam polarisation. The data were taken at proton beam energies of 920, 820, 575 and 460 GeV and an electron beam energy of 27.5 GeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 1 fb$^{-1}$ and span six orders of magnitude in negative four-momentum-transfer squared, $Q^2$, and Bjorken $x$. The correlations of the systematic uncertainties were evaluated and taken into account for the combination. The combined cross sections were input to QCD analyses at leading order, next-to-leading order and at next-to-next-to-leading order, providing a new set of parton distribution functions, called HERAPDF2.0. In addition to the experimental uncertainties, model and parameterisation uncertainties were assessed for these parton distribution functions. Variants of HERAPDF2.0 with an alternative gluon parameterisation, HERAPDF2.0AG, and using fixed-flavour-number schemes, HERAPDF2.0FF, are presented. The analysis was extended by including HERA data on charm and jet production, resulting in the variant HERAPDF2.0Jets. The inclusion of jet-production cross sections made a simultaneous determination of these parton distributions and the strong coupling constant possible, resulting in $\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.1183 \pm 0.0009 {\rm(exp)} \pm 0.0005{\rm (model/parameterisation)} \pm 0.0012{\rm (hadronisation)} ^{+0.0037}_{-0.0030}{\rm (scale)}$. An extraction of $xF_3^{\gamma Z}$ and results on electroweak unification and scaling violations are also presented.


14346052 and 14346044
Database :
Journal :
European Physical Journal C
Accession number :