Metabolic profiling reveals distinct variations linked to nicotine consumption in humans--first results from the KORA study
Karl H. Ladwig, et al. “Metabolic Profiling Reveals Distinct Variations Linked to Nicotine Consumption in Humans--First Results from the KORA Study.” PLoS ONE, vol. 3, no. 12, Jan. 2008. EBSCOhost,
Karl H. Ladwig, Yao Yu, Norbert Dahmen, Thomas Illig, Christian Gieger, Jerzy Adamski, Pei Hao, Karsten Suhre, Eva Lattka, Yixue Li, H.-Erich Wichmann, Lei Liu, Kirstin Mittelstrass, Elisabeth Altmaier, Klaus M. Weinberger, & Rui Wang-Sattler. (2008). Metabolic profiling reveals distinct variations linked to nicotine consumption in humans--first results from the KORA study. PLoS ONE, 3(12).
Karl H. Ladwig, Yao Yu, Norbert Dahmen, Thomas Illig, Christian Gieger, Jerzy Adamski, Pei Hao, et al. 2008. “Metabolic Profiling Reveals Distinct Variations Linked to Nicotine Consumption in Humans--First Results from the KORA Study.” PLoS ONE 3 (12).