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ctDNA monitoring using patient-specific sequencing and integration of variant reads

Authors :
Carlos Caldas
Irena Hudecova
Katrin Heider
Richard Mair
Pippa Corrie
Charles E. Massie
Christopher Smith
Eyal Fisher
Constantine Alifrangis
Kevin M. Brindle
Amer Durrani
Ultan McDermott
Pui Ying Chan
Mark R. Middleton
Andrew B. Gill
Suzanne Murphy
Grant D. Stewart
Andrea Marshall
Dineika Chandrananda
Robert C. Rintoul
Jean Abraham
Andrea Ruiz-ValdepeƱas
Florent Mouliere
Gemma Young
Ferdia A. Gallagher
Jonathan C. M. Wan
Angela Santonja
Doris Rassl
Nitzan Rosenfeld
Wendy N. Cooper
Emily Barker
Francesco Marass
James Morris
Davina Gale
Christine Parkinson
CCA - Cancer biology and immunology
Wan, Jonathan CM [0000-0003-0001-1802]
Heider, Katrin [0000-0003-4035-1668]
Gale, Davina [0000-0002-4521-8199]
Fisher, Eyal [0000-0003-3546-6153]
Mouliere, Florent [0000-0001-7043-0514]
Santonja, Angela [0000-0001-9367-7632]
Chandrananda, Dineika [0000-0002-8834-9500]
Marshall, Andrea [0000-0002-6610-5812]
Gill, Andrew B [0000-0002-9287-9563]
Chan, Pui Ying [0000-0001-7804-4482]
Barker, Emily [0000-0001-6682-0392]
Cooper, Wendy N [0000-0003-3416-9982]
Hudecova, Irena [0000-0003-3823-9896]
Marass, Francesco [0000-0002-8993-7320]
Mair, Richard [0000-0001-8235-5689]
Brindle, Kevin M [0000-0003-3883-6287]
Stewart, Grant D [0000-0003-3188-9140]
Abraham, Jean E [0000-0003-0688-4807]
Caldas, Carlos [0000-0003-3547-1489]
Alifrangis, Constantine [0000-0002-5876-6696]
Middleton, Mark R [0000-0003-0167-1685]
Gallagher, Ferdia A [0000-0003-4784-5230]
McDermott, Ultan [0000-0001-9032-4700]
Smith, Christopher G [0000-0001-7357-2737]
Massie, Charles [0000-0003-2314-4843]
Corrie, Pippa G [0000-0003-4875-7021]
Rosenfeld, Nitzan [0000-0002-2825-4788]
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Source :
Wan, J C M, Heider, K, Gale, D, Murphy, S, Fisher, E, Mouliere, F, Ruiz-Valdepenas, A, Santonja, A, Morris, J, Chandrananda, D, Marshall, A, Gill, A B, Chan, P Y, Barker, E, Young, G, Cooper, W N, Hudecova, I, Marass, F, Mair, R, Brindle, K M, Stewart, G D, Abraham, J E, Caldas, C, Rassl, D M, Rintoul, R C, Alifrangis, C, Middleton, M R, Gallagher, F A, Parkinson, C, Durrani, A, McDermott, U, Smith, C G, Massie, C, Corrie, P G & Rosenfeld, N 2020, ' ctDNA monitoring using patient-specific sequencing and integration of variant reads ', Science Translational Medicine, vol. 12, no. 548, eaaz8084 ., Science Translational Medicine, 12(548):eaaz8084. American Association for the Advancement of Science
Publication Year :


Circulating tumor-derived DNA (ctDNA) can be used to monitor cancer dynamics noninvasively. Detection of ctDNA can be challenging in patients with low-volume or residual disease, where plasma contains very few tumor-derived DNA fragments. We show that sensitivity for ctDNA detection in plasma can be improved by analyzing hundreds to thousands of mutations that are first identified by tumor genotyping. We describe the INtegration of VAriant Reads (INVAR) pipeline, which combines custom error-suppression methods and signal-enrichment approaches based on biological features of ctDNA. With this approach, the detection limit in each sample can be estimated independently based on the number of informative reads sequenced across multiple patient-specific loci. We applied INVAR to custom hybrid-capture sequencing data from 176 plasma samples from 105 patients with melanoma, lung, renal, glioma, and breast cancer across both early and advanced disease. By integrating signal across a median of >105 informative reads, ctDNA was routinely quantified to 1 mutant molecule per 100,000, and in some cases with high tumor mutation burden and/or plasma input material, to parts per million. This resulted in median area under the curve (AUC) values of 0.98 in advanced cancers and 0.80 in early-stage and challenging settings for ctDNA detection. We generalized this method to whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing, showing that INVAR may be applied without requiring personalized sequencing panels so long as a tumor mutation list is available. As tumor sequencing becomes increasingly performed, such methods for personalized cancer monitoring may enhance the sensitivity of cancer liquid biopsies.


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Journal :
Wan, J C M, Heider, K, Gale, D, Murphy, S, Fisher, E, Mouliere, F, Ruiz-Valdepenas, A, Santonja, A, Morris, J, Chandrananda, D, Marshall, A, Gill, A B, Chan, P Y, Barker, E, Young, G, Cooper, W N, Hudecova, I, Marass, F, Mair, R, Brindle, K M, Stewart, G D, Abraham, J E, Caldas, C, Rassl, D M, Rintoul, R C, Alifrangis, C, Middleton, M R, Gallagher, F A, Parkinson, C, Durrani, A, McDermott, U, Smith, C G, Massie, C, Corrie, P G & Rosenfeld, N 2020, ' ctDNA monitoring using patient-specific sequencing and integration of variant reads ', Science Translational Medicine, vol. 12, no. 548, eaaz8084 ., Science Translational Medicine, 12(548):eaaz8084. American Association for the Advancement of Science
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