Preventing acute gut wall damage in infectious diarrhoeas with glycosylated dendrimers
Peter Simpson, et al. “Preventing Acute Gut Wall Damage in Infectious Diarrhoeas with Glycosylated Dendrimers.” EMBO Molecular Medicine, vol. 4, Aug. 2012, pp. 866–81. EBSCOhost,
Peter Simpson, Benoit S. Marteyn, Tracey J. Bell, Phillip M. Rendle, Andrea Puhar, Ian Teo, Philippe J. Sansonetti, Karen A. Johnston, Christopher S. W. Tang, Mire Zloh, Steve M. Toms, Pamela Schnupf, Teresa S. Barata, Steve Matthews, & Sunil Shaunak. (2012). Preventing acute gut wall damage in infectious diarrhoeas with glycosylated dendrimers. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 4, 866–881.
Peter Simpson, Benoit S. Marteyn, Tracey J. Bell, Phillip M. Rendle, Andrea Puhar, Ian Teo, Philippe J. Sansonetti, et al. 2012. “Preventing Acute Gut Wall Damage in Infectious Diarrhoeas with Glycosylated Dendrimers.” EMBO Molecular Medicine 4 (August): 866–81. doi:10.1002/emmm.201201290.