Antibiofilm and Anti-Candidal Activities of the Extract of the Marine Sponge Agelas dispar
Antonio Carlos Vital Júnior, et al. “Antibiofilm and Anti-Candidal Activities of the Extract of the Marine Sponge Agelas Dispar.” Mycopathologia, vol. 186, no. 6, June 2021. EBSCOhost,
Antonio Carlos Vital Júnior, Maria Aparecida de Resende Stoianoff, José Francisco Höfling, Marcela de Castro Nogueira Diniz Pontes, Janaina Priscila Barbosa, Douglas Boniek, Vânia Sousa Andrade, & Renata Mendonça Araújo. (2021). Antibiofilm and Anti-Candidal Activities of the Extract of the Marine Sponge Agelas dispar. Mycopathologia, 186(6).
Antonio Carlos Vital Júnior, Maria Aparecida de Resende Stoianoff, José Francisco Höfling, Marcela de Castro Nogueira Diniz Pontes, Janaina Priscila Barbosa, Douglas Boniek, Vânia Sousa Andrade, and Renata Mendonça Araújo. 2021. “Antibiofilm and Anti-Candidal Activities of the Extract of the Marine Sponge Agelas Dispar.” Mycopathologia 186 (6).