A Multistage Sequencing Strategy Pinpoints Many Novel and Candidate Disease Alleles for Orphan Disease Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy and Supports Gene Misregulation as its Pathomechanism
Jose I. de las Heras, et al. A Multistage Sequencing Strategy Pinpoints Many Novel and Candidate Disease Alleles for Orphan Disease Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy and Supports Gene Misregulation as Its Pathomechanism. July 2019. EBSCOhost,
Jose I. de las Heras, E. Harris, Alastair R.W. Kerr, Rafal Czapiewski, Heike Koelbel, Benedikt Schoser, Volker Straub, Eric C. Schirmer, Peter Meinke, Manfred Wehnert, Francesco Muntoni, & Ulrike Schara. (2019). A Multistage Sequencing Strategy Pinpoints Many Novel and Candidate Disease Alleles for Orphan Disease Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy and Supports Gene Misregulation as its Pathomechanism.
Jose I. de las Heras, E. Harris, Alastair R.W. Kerr, Rafal Czapiewski, Heike Koelbel, Benedikt Schoser, Volker Straub, et al. 2019. “A Multistage Sequencing Strategy Pinpoints Many Novel and Candidate Disease Alleles for Orphan Disease Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy and Supports Gene Misregulation as Its Pathomechanism,” July. doi:10.1101/705780.