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Autoimmune markers for non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis in women

Authors :
S. V. Pavlovich
V. D. Chuprynin
A G Melkumyan
I. V. Menzhinskaya
L V Vanko
Gennady T. Sukhikh
Source :
Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. 66:162-166
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Biochemistry, 2020.


Endometriosis is a common estrogen-dependent chronic disease in women of reproductive age; it is associated with dysregulation of the immune response, local inflammation, and increased formation of autoantibodies. The aim of the study was to investigate the profile of autoantibodies in women with endometriosis and to evaluate their diagnostic value using new modifications of enzyme immunoassay. In women with endometriosis of stage III-IV (n=39), a wide spectrum of autoantibodies was detected, mainly of class G, including antibodies to endometrial antigens (tropomyosin 3, tropomodulin 3), the enzyme α-enolase, steroid (estradiol, progesterone) and gonadotropic hormones. At the same time, the frequency of detection of IgG antibodies to tropomyosin 3, α-enolase, estradiol and human chorionic gonadotropin and their levels in patients with endometriosis were higher than in healthy women (n=26) (p0.05). IgG-antibodies to tropomyosin 3, α-enolase and estradiol were characterized by higher diagnostic value for endometriosis. The diagnostic value was significantly increased when these antibodies were combined: the AUC reached 0.875 [0.772-0.978] (p0.0001), the sensitivity and specificity were 83.3% each. Thus, autoantibodies to tropomyosin 3, α-enolase, and estradiol are promising for inclusion in the panel of biomarkers for non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis.Éndometrioz iavliaetsia rasprostranennym éstrogen-zavisimym khronicheskim zabolevaniem zhenshchin reproduktivnogo vozrasta, kotoroe assotsiiruetsia s disreguliatsieĭ immunnogo otveta, mestnym vospalitel'nym protsessom i povyshennym obrazovaniem autoantitel. Tsel'iu dannogo issledovaniia bylo izuchit' s primeneniem novykh modifikatsiĭ immunofermentnogo analiza profil' autoantitel u zhenshchin c éndometriozom i otsenit' ikh diagnosticheskoe znachenie. U zhenshchin s naruzhnym genital'nym éndometriozom III-IV stadii (n=39) vyiavlen shirokiĭ spektr autoantitel preimushchestvenno klassa G, vkliuchaiushchiĭ antitela k éndometrial'nym antigenam (tropomiozinu 3, tropomodulinu 3), fermentu α-enolaze, steroidnym (éstradiolu, progesteronu) i gonadotropnym gormonam. Pri étom chastota vyiavleniia IgG-antitel k tropomiozinu 3, α-enolaze, éstradiolu i khorionicheskomu gonadotropinu cheloveka i ikh urovni u patsientok s éndometriozom byli vyshe, chem u zdorovykh zhenshchin (n=26) (p0,05). IgG-antitela k tropomiozinu 3, α-enolaze i éstradiolu kharakterizovalis' bolee vysokoĭ diagnosticheskoĭ znachimost'iu dlia éndometrioza. Pri kombinatsii dannykh antitel diagnosticheskaia znachimost' sushchestvenno povyshalas', znachenie AUC dostigalo 0,875 [0,772-0,978] (p0,0001), pokazateli chuvstvitel'nosti i spetsifichnosti sostavliali 83,3% kazhdyĭ. Takim obrazom, autoantitela k tropomiozinu 3, α-enolaze i éstradiolu iavliaiutsia perspektivnymi dlia vkliucheniia v panel' biomarkerov dlia neinvazivnoĭ diagnostiki éndometrioza.


23106905 and 23106972
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya
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