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Difference between Canopy Temperature and Air Temperature as a Criterion for Drought Avoidance in Crop Genotypes under Field Conditions in Japan

Authors :
FUKUOKA, Minehiko
TANI, Hideo
IWAMA, Kazuto
HASEGAWA, Toshihiro
Source :
日本作物学会紀事. 72(4):461-470
Publication Year :
Publisher :
日本作物学会, 2003.


群落表面温度から気温を引いた値である葉気温較差 (ΔT) は, 作物品種のかんばつ回避性を圃場条件下で簡便かつ非破壊的に推定できる指標であることが, 大気飽差 (VPD) が比較的大きい, 乾燥した国々での実験で報告されている. 本研究では, VPDが比較的小さい日本の圃場条件下においても, ΔTをかんばつ回避性の指標として用いることが可能か否かを検討した. なお, かんばつ回避性は気孔コンダクタンス (gs) と葉内水分ポテンシャル (LWP) を無灌水条件下においても灌水条件下と同様に高く保つ能力と定義した. かんばつ回避性が大きく異なることが想定されるテンサイ, バレイショおよびイネ (水稲用および陸稲用品種) を, 降雨を遮断して灌水と無灌水の2種類の土壌水分処理を行った畑圃場で供試した. 植付けもしくは移植の7週間後から5週間, サーモグラフィー装置を用いて群落のΔTを測定し, 同時にgsとLWPを測定した. 無灌水区ではΔTに有意な作物間差が認められ, イネ水稲用品種で最も高く, イネ陸稲用品種, バレイショ, テンサイの順で低くなった. また, gsおよびLWPについても有意な差異が認められ, ΔTとは逆にテンサイで最も高く, バレイショ, イネ陸稲用品種, イネ水稲用品種の順で低くなった. 一方, 灌水区では, これら3形質における作物間差は相対的に小さかった. 3形質のいずれにも, 土壌水分処理と作物との間に有意な相互作用が認められた (いずれもp<br />The difference between canopy temperature and air temperature (ΔT) is reported to be a convenient criterion for the non-destructive evaluation of drought avoidance of crop varieties under field conditions in arid countries, where vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is high. We examined its validity under field conditions in Japan, where VPD is low. We defined the drought avoidance as the ability to maintain stomatal conductance (gs) and leaf water potential (LWP) under non-irrigated conditions as high as those under fully irrigated conditions. Four crops (sugar beet, potato and two rice genotypes of upland and lowland), which were assumed to be greatly different in drought avoidance, were grown in both fully irrigated and non-irrigated fields under a rain shelter. For five weeks starting from the 7th week after planting, ΔT was measured by infrared thermography, in concurrence with the measurement of gs and LWP. In the non-irrigated plot, ΔT, gs and LWP differed significantly among the crops; lowland rice showed the highest ΔT and the lowest gs and LWP, followed by upland rice, potato and sugar beet. Meanwhile, in the irrigated plot, their differences were relatively small. There was significant interaction between irrigation treatment and crop in ΔT, gs and LWP (all p


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