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Utvrđivanje povezanosti infekcija onkogenim virusima i HLA-G polimorfizama u etiologiji karcinoma glave i vrata

Authors :
Božić, Ljiljana
Knežević, Aleksandra
Jovanović, Tanja
Dimitrijević, Milovan
Popović, Branka
Banko, Ana
Source :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Универзитет у Београду, Медицински факултет, 2022.


carcinoma-HNSCC) ukazuje se na ulogu onkogenih virusa i to humanih papiloma virusa (HPV) Epštajn-Bar virusa (EBV) i BK i JC poliomavirusa, kao i značaju HLA-G polimorfizama. Cilj istraživanja. Cilj studije je bio određivanje učestalosti infekcija i koinfekcija onkogenim virusima i HLA-G polimorfizama i njihova korelacija sa demografskim i bihevioralnim karakteristikama pacijenata i kliničkim statusom HNSCC. Materijal i metod. Ispitivano je 100 uzoraka tkiva HNSCC. Single PCR, Nested PCR i Real-time PCR su rađeni za dokazivanje HPV i EBV, a seminested PCR za poliomaviruse. Genotipizacija HPV je rađena metodom sekvenciranja po Sangeru, a EBV genotipizacija Nested PCR metodom. Određivanje HLA-G tipova rađeno je metodom sekvenciranja po Sangeru. Rezultati. Učestalost HPV je bila 27%, EBV 20%, BKV 3% i JCV 0%. Dokazano je 5 HPV genotipova sa značajnom učestalošću visoko onkogenih tipova (84%) i to tipa HPV 16 (57,1%). Utvrđena su oba EBV tipa sa dominacijom EBV-1 (93,75%). HPV i EBV su značajno češći kod muškaraca od 50 do 69 godina sa karcinomom larinksa patohistološkog gradusa 2. Pojedinačna infekcija je utvrđena kod 28% uzoraka, a HPV infekcija je značajno najčešća. Koinfekcije su potvrđene kod 11% uzoraka, HPV/EBV koinfekcija je najzastupljenija ali bez razlike u učestalosti vrste koinfekcija. Utvrđeno je 6 HLA-G tipova, gde je *01:01:01 najučestaliji (56,66%), ali bez razlike u zastupljenosti HLA-G tipova i prisustva pojedinačnih infekcija i koinfekcija onkogenim virusima. Zaključak. Pokazana je povezanost prisustva infekcije onkogenim virusima sa karcinomima glave i vrata, ali nije utvrđena korelacija HLA-G polimorfizama sa prisustvom infekcija i koinfekcija onkogenim virusima u HNSCC. Introduction. The oncogenic viruses, namely Human papillomaviruses (HPV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and BK and JC polyomaviruses, as well as HLA-G polymorphisms may play significant role in the etiology of Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Aim. Determination of the frequency of oncogenic virus infections and coinfections and HLA-G polymorphisms and their correlation with the demographic and behavioral characteristics of patients and clinical status of HNSCC. Material and method. 100 HNSCC tissue samples were examined. Single, Nested and Real-time PCR were used to detect HPV and EBV, and seminested PCR for polyomaviruses. HPV and EBV genotyping were done by Sanger sequencing method, and Nested PCR, respectively. Determination of HLA-G types was done by Sanger sequencing method. Results. The prevalence of HPV was 27%, EBV 20%, BKV 3% and JCV 0%. Five HPV genotypes were identified with a significant frequency of high-risk types (84%), namely HPV type 16 (57.1%). Both EBV types were detected with a predominance of EBV-1 (93.75%). HPV and EBV are significantly more common in men aged 50 to 69 with laryngeal cancer of pathohistological grade 2. Single infection was found in 28% of samples with a significant prevalence of HPV infection. Co-infections were confirmed in 11% of samples. HPV/EBV co-infection is the most common but without a difference in the frequency of co-infection type. Six HLA-G types were identified, where *01:01:01 is the most common (56.66%), with no difference between HLA-G types and the presence of single infections and co-infections. Conclusion. The association of the presence of oncogenic virus infection with HNSCC has been shown, but without the correlation between HLA-G polymorphisms and presence of oncogenic virus infections and coinfections in HNSCC.


Language :
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Journal :
Универзитет у Београду
Accession number :