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Mere za smanjenje uticaja buke na aerodromima

Authors :
Ganić, Emir M.
Babić, Obrad J.
Netjasov, Feđa T.
Mirković, Bojana D.
Jeremić, Veljko
Source :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Универзитет у Београду, Саобраћајни факултет, 2018.


Predmet istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljaju mere za smanjenje uticaja buke na aerodromima. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrde faktori koji utiču na broj i vrstu primenjenih mera, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoje međuzavisnosti između faktora i mera, kao i između samih mera za smanjenje uticaja buke na aerodromima. Nakon testiranja zavisnosti predloženih faktora i primenjenih mera, utvrđeno je da međuzavisnosti između faktora i mera, kao i između samih mera postoje. To je iskorišćeno za razvoj alata za pomoć u odlučivanju pri uvođenju novih mera na aerodromu. Primena predloženog alata ilustrovana je na primeru Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla” u Beogradu. Anketiranjem zaposlenih na evropskim aerodromima odgovornih za sprovođenje mera istraživani su: glavni problemi vezani za buku vazduhoplova na aerodromima; neophodni resursi i glavne barijere za primenu mera; efekti dosadašnjih mera u rešavanju problema buke na aerodromima; kao i trendovi i prioriteti u vezi s uvođenjem mera za smanjenje uticaja buke na aerodromima u bliskoj budućnosti. Na osnovu analiziranja efekata postojećih mera i problema u njihovoj primeni, predložena je nova mera za smanjenje uticaja buke. Predložena mera se sastoji od određivanja raspoređivanja vazduhoplova na rute u dolasku i odlasku vodeći pri tome računa o vremenskoj i prostornoj varijaciji u broju stanovnika u naseljima u okolini aerodroma tako da se broj stanovnika izloženih buci svede na najmanju moguću meru. Primena predložene nove mere ilustrovana je na primeru Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla” u Beogradu s realnim podacima. The subject of research for this doctoral dissertation are noise abatement measures at airports. The aim of the research was to determine the factors affecting the number and type of applied measures, and to determine whether there was interdependence between factors and measures, as well as between measures themselves. Upon examining the dependence of proposed factors and applied measures, it was established that there were interdependencies between factors and measures, as well as between the measures themselves. This finding was used to develop a decision support tool for introduction of new measures at airports. Application of the proposed tool is illustrated using the example of Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade. The following issues have been investigated by surveying the personnel responsible for implementation of the measures at European airports: major problems related to aircraft noise at airports; necessary resources and major barriers to the implementation of measures; effects of implemented measures upon addressing the noise problem at airports; as well as trends and priorities for introduction of measures to reduce noise impact around airports in the near future. Effects of the existing measures and problems in their application were analyzed to propose a new noise abatement measure. This new measure consists of determining aircraft assignment to take-off and landing routes by taking into account temporal and spatial variations in population in an airport’s vicinity, so that the number of people exposed to noise is reduced to the lowest possible extent. Application of the new measure proposed is exemplified by real data for Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Универзитет у Београду
Accession number :