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Studies with the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition 'Pre-Series' Setup

Authors :
Ünel, G
Abolins, M
Adragna, P
Alexandrov, I
Amorim, A
Armstrong, S
Badescu, E
Baines, J T M
Barros, N
Beck, H P
Bee, C
Blair, R
Bogaerts, J A C
Bold, T
Bosman, M
Burckhart-Chromek, Doris
Caprini, M
Caramarcu, C
Ciobotaru, M
Comune, G
Corso-Radu, A
Cranfield, R
Crone, G
Dawson, J
Della Pietra, M
Di Mattia, A
Dobson, M
Dos Anjos, A
Dotti, A
Drake, G
Ellis, Nick
Ermoline, Y
Ertorer, E
Falciano, S
Ferrari, R
Ferrer, M L
Francis, D
Gadomski, S
Gameiro, S
Garcia-Murillo, R
Garitaonandia, H
Gaudio, G
George, S
Gesualdi-Mello, A
Gorini, B
Green, B
Haas, S
Haberichter, W N
Hadavand, H
Haeberli, C
Haller, J
Hansen, J
Hauser, R
Hillier, S J
Hughes-Jones, R E
Höcker, A
Joos, M
Kazarov, A
Kieft, G
Klous, S
Kohno, T
Kolos, S
Korcyl, K
Kordas, K
Kotov, V
Kugel, A
Landon, M
Lankford, A
Le Vine, M J
Leahu, L
Leahu, M
Lehmann-Miotto, G
Liu, W
Maeno, T
Mapelli, L
Martin, B
Masik, J
McLaren, R
Meessen, C
Meirosu, C
Mineev, M
Misiejuk, A
Morettini, P
Mornacchi, G
Männer, R
Müller, M
Nagasaka, Y
Negri, A
Padilla, C
Pasqualucci, E
Pauly, T
Perera, V
Petersen, J
Pope, B
Pretzl, K
Prigent, D
Roda, C
Ryabov, Yu
Salvatore, D
Schiavi, C
Schlereth, J L
Scholtes, I
Seixas, M
Sloper, J
Sole-Segura, E
Soloviev, I
Spiwoks, R
Stamen, R
Stancu, S
Strong, J
Sushkov, S
Szymocha, T
Tapprogge, S
Teixeira-Dias, P
Torres, R
Touchard, F
Tremblet, L
Vandelli, W
Vermeulen, J C
Wengler, T
Werner, P
Wheeler, S
Wickens, F
Wiedenmann, W
Wiesmann, M
Yu, M
Zema, F
Zobernig, H
De Albuquerqu Portes, M
Publication Year :


The pre-series test bed is used to validate the technology and implementation choices by comparing the final ATLAS readout requirements, to the results of performance, functionality and stability studies. We show that all the components which are not running reconstruction algorithms match the final ATLAS requirements. For the others, we calculate the amount of time per event that could be allocated to run these not-yet-finalized algorithms. We also report on the experience gained during these studies while interfacing with a sub-detector for the first time at the experimental area.


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