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'It´s all about creating a culture of consent' : A study about the challenges and opportunitiesteachers experience in teaching about sexuality, consent and relationships in elementary schoolgrades 4–6

Authors :
Reiver, Ebba
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Jönköping University, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, 2023.


The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about how teachers in grades 4-6 of primary school describe working with sexuality, consent, and relationships, as well as the challenges and success factors they experience in teaching. There has been a change in the Swedish curriculum where the subject area has become more subject-transcending and is part of the school's mission to promote values. This means that the responsibility for the subject area rests with all school staff and should be a part of the entire school. The study is based on a sociocultural perspective where qualitative data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. Five teachers have participated in the study, all of whom are qualified primary school teachers and are competent in the natural science subjects. All interviews have been recorded and transcribed for thematic analysis. The results revealed both challenges and success factors where all teachers gave consistent answers. They mean that classroom conversations are perceived as a success factor in teaching and that a challenge is to meet the students' varied levels of maturity. There were also challenges and success factors where the teachers did not share the same opinion. How collaboration works in schools, who is responsible for the knowledge area, and how the teaching is structured, looks different. The results also showed that the socio-economic status of schools has an impact on the challenges and success factors that teachers experience. One conclusion that can be drawn is that many schools lack a common structure for how the knowledge area of sexuality, consent, and relationships is taught and who is responsible of what. The responsibility for the knowledge area still rests with the teaching teacher in several cases, which is seen as a challenge as the knowledge area should permeate the entire operation. Several teachers also express a desire for dedicated time to sit down together at the school and develop a clearer structure for the knowledge area.


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