Les sciences hors d'Occident au 20ème siècle = 20th century sciences : beyond the metropolis : 2. Les sciences coloniales : figures et institutions = Colonial sciences : researchers and institutions
Waast, Roland (ed. .., and Patrick (ed. .. Petitjean. Les Sciences Hors d’Occident Au 20ème Siècle = 20th Century Sciences : Beyond the Metropolis : 2. Les Sciences Coloniales : Figures et Institutions = Colonial Sciences : Researchers and Institutions. Jan. 1996. EBSCOhost,
Waast, R. (ed. ., & Petitjean, P. (ed. . (1996). Les sciences hors d’Occident au 20ème siècle = 20th century sciences : beyond the metropolis : 2. Les sciences coloniales : figures et institutions = Colonial sciences : researchers and institutions.
Waast, Roland (ed.), and Patrick (ed.) Petitjean. 1996. “Les Sciences Hors d’Occident Au 20ème Siècle = 20th Century Sciences : Beyond the Metropolis : 2. Les Sciences Coloniales : Figures et Institutions = Colonial Sciences : Researchers and Institutions,” January.