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Dentinogena cista upalnog podrijetla: dijagnostički izazov

Authors :
Source :
Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine, Volume 44, Issue 1
Publication Year :
Publisher :
School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatian Dental Society - Croatian Medical Association, 2010.


Odontogene ciste obično se otkrivaju tijekom rutinskoga pregleda u stomatološkoj ordinaciji, a prema podrijetlu mogu biti razvojne ili upalne. Obično su destruktivne za okolne strukture - kako za kost tako i za zube. Moramo istaknuti da različite vrste cista vrlo često radiografski i histopatološki daju sličnu kliničku sliku. U takvim slučajevima točna dijagnoza ovisi o korelaciji svih navedenih nalaza. Dentinogene ciste su one koje zatvara kruna neniklih zuba širenjem folikula i - kako je prirasla na vrat zuba - obično je u vezi s nekim od zuba koji još nisu niknuli. Zna se također da progresija upale od apeksa mliječnog zuba potiče nastanak dentinogenih cista oko nenikloga trajnog zuba. U ovom je članku opisan jedan takav rijedak slučaj upalne dentinogene ciste (IDC-a) u području lijevoga mandibularnog očnjaka kod dvanaestogodišnjeg dječaka. Terapija je bila enikleacija ciste zajedno sa zubom.<br />Odontogenic cysts are commonly encountered in routine dental practice and can be developmental or inflammatory in origin. These are often destructive to both teeth and jaws. In many instances, different types of cysts exhibit similar findings clinically, radiographically & histopathologically. In such cases, accurate diagnosis depends on co-relation of all these findings. A dentigerous cyst is one that encloses the crown of an unerupted tooth by expansion of its follicle and is attached to the neck of the tooth and it is usually associated with any of the unerupted tooth. It is also been reported that progressing inflammation from the root apex of the deciduous tooth brings about the development of the dentigerous cyst around the unerupted permanent tooth. One such rare case of inflammatory dentigerous cyst (IDC) in left mandibular canine region in a 12 year old boy is presented in this article, which was treated by enucleation of the cyst along with the tooth.


Language :
18460410 and 00017019
Volume :
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Journal :
Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Accession number :