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Antropološka osnova nekih alternativnih iscjeliteljskih tehnika u interkulturalnom kontekstu

Authors :
Josip Blažević
Source :
Bogoslovska smotra, Volume 81, Issue 2
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb, 2011.


U članku su pojmovi »osoba« i »čakre« predstavljeni u svome izvornom kontekstu, kao temelji specifičnih antropologija i stupovi dviju autonomnih kultura. Osoba je simbol i os zapadne (kršćanske) a čakre indijske (tantričke) antropologije. Oba pojma su istovremeno »sveta« i »profana«. Temelj su vlastite antropologije, soteriologije, teologije, filozofije i, među ostalim, medicine. Čakre su prijelazom na Zapad, što nas u ovom članku prvenstveno zanima, doživjele značajnu inverziju. Njihovo značenje u tantrizmu, gdje izvorno predstavljaju sredstvo postizanja spasenja, na Zapadu je reinterpretirano, profanizirano i reducirano na sredstvo za postizanje zdravlja. Antropologija na bazi čakri postala je na Zapadu okosnica mnogih alternativnih iscjeliteljskih tehnika (od istočnjačkih, preko gnostičkih i magijskih, sve do newageovskih) iza kojih stoji (pseudo)tantrička soteriologija. Holistička medicina, koja se priziva na antropologiju na bazi čakri ima ambiciju iscijeliti ne samo čovjekovu psihosomatsku dimenziju, nego i njegovu dušu, što kršćanstvo stavlja pred određene izazove koji traže primjeren filozofsko-teološki odgovor. Autor, na kraju, predlaže sedam kriterija kao orijentir osobama pri odabiru pojedinih alternativnih iscjeliteljskih tehnika.<br />The paper presents the notions of»person« and »chakras« in their original context, as foundations of specific anthropologies and pillars of two autonomous cultures. A person is a symbol and an axis of Western (Christian) anthropology, whereas chakras are symbolic of Indian (Tantric) anthropology. Both notions are at the same time »holy« and »profane«. They constitute the basis of a proper anthropology, soteriology, theology, philosophy and, among other things, medicine. By moving West, chakras have experienced a significant inversion, and this is what constitutes the primary interest of this paper. Their significance in tantrism, where they originally constitute a means of achieving salvation, has in the West been reinterpreted, profaned and reduced to a means of achieving health. Anthropology based on chakras is the backbone of many alternative healing techniques (from Eastern, gnostic and magical, to New Age techniques) behind which there is a (pseudo)tantric soteriology. Holistic medicine, relying on anthropology based on chakras, has the ambition of healing not only man's psychosomatic dimension, but also his soul, which brings Christianity face to face with certain challenges requiring proper theological response. At the end, the author suggests seven criteria as a guide for choosing between alternative healing techniques.


Language :
18489648 and 03523101
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Bogoslovska smotra
Accession number :