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Montmorillonite: A comparison of methods for its determination in foundry bentonites

Authors :
M. Holtzer
A. Bobrowski
B. Grabowska
Source :
Metalurgija, Volume 50, Issue 2
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS), 2011.


A comparison and estimation of usefulness of a quantitative analysis of montmorillonite in foundry bentonites, was the aim of this research. The investigations were made by means of three different techniques: methylene blue (MB) adsorption method, Cu(II)-triethylenetetramine complex (Cu(II)-TET) adsorption method, and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) method. Tests were performed for 9 kinds of bentonites originated from various producers. The achieved results indicated that, the results obtained by the FTIR method were, in general, even 10% lower than the ones obtained by other methods. The best correlation with the data given by the producers were obtained for the Cu(II)-TET method. In addition, this method was characterised by the smallest value of standard deviations. A very essential advantage of the Cu(II)-TET method is a much shorter time needed for the analysis and its easier execution, which is important under production conditions.<br />Cilj ovog istraživanja je bila procjena upotrebljivosti kvantitativne analize montmorilonita u ljevaoničkim bentonitima. Istraživanja su provedena pomoću tri različite tehnike: adsorpcija metilenskog modrila (MB), adsorpcija Cu(II)-trietilentetramin kompleksa (CU(II)-TET), i infracrvena spektroskopija (FTIR). Ispitivanja su provedena na 9 vrsta bentonita koji potječu od različitih proizvođača. Rezultati dobiveni FTIR metodom u prosjeku su za čak 10,0% niži od rezultata dobivenih ostalim metodama. Najbolja korelacija s podatcima od proizvođača dobivena je primjenom Cu(II)-TET metode. Osim toga, kod te metode najmanje su vrijednosti standardnih devijacija. Vrlo važna prednost Cu(II)-TET metode je znatno kraće vrijeme potrebno za anaalizu i lakše provođenje, što je značajno u proizvodnim uvjetima.


Language :
13342576 and 05435846
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