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Authors :
Veronika Mila POPIĆ
Source :
Croatica Christiana periodica, Volume 39, Issue 75
Publication Year :
Publisher :
The catholic faculty of theology, 2015.


U ovome je radu prikazan program pristaša Hrvatskoga katoličkog pokreta (dalje: HKP) i njihov programatski članak »Naše stanovište u politici« objavljen 1912. godine u Riječkim Novinama. S obzirom na očitovane ideje, taj članak ukazuje na slojevitost i zahtjevnost društveno-političkog te vjerskog konteksta započinjanja samih novina, kao i nastanka navedenog članka. Aktivno sudioništvo uredništva Riječkih Novina, i većine pristaša Hrvatskoga katoličkog pokreta, u aktualnim društveno-političkim zbivanjima dovelo je do nužnosti zauzimanja stava prema ključnim odrednicama političkog života u Hrvatskoj (stav prema Hrvatsko-ugarskoj nagodbi, političkim strankama, Slovencima, Srbima). U tom pogledu, programatski članak uz crkvenu, smješta Riječke Novine i u određenu političko-nacionalnu grupaciju. Predratno razdoblje u Trojednoj Kraljevini Hrvatskoj, Slavoniji i Dalmaciji obilježila je s jedne strane austro-ugarska vladavina, koja nije vodila računa o hrvatskim interesima, a s druge strane srpski uspjesi u Balkanskim ratovima. Kako se u radu pokazuje, obje će odrednice pridonijeti stavu južnoslavenskog jedinstva ne samo uredništva Riječkih Novina nego i cijele jedne grane Hrvatskoga katoličkog pokreta.<br />The paper shows the program of the followers of the Croatian Catholic Movement as stated in the programmatic article »Naše stanovište u politici« (»Our standpoints in politics«) published in December 1912 in daily newspaper called Riječke Novine. Regarding the ideas, the article shows a complicated and multilayered socio-political and religious context of the emergence of the newspaper, as well as the development of the aforementioned article. Since it is considered a product of Croatian Catholic Movement, the author suggests that this article should be examined primarily in the context of the Catholic Church and numerous Catholic movements across Europe. Moreover, the article was almost completely focused on the higher evaluation of the contribution of laity in the Church and political life, as well as in the development of catholic press. The active participation of the editorial board of Riječke Novine (and the majority of followers of the Croatian Catholic Movement) in contemporary socio-political events led towards the necessity of expressing their attitude towards the key factors of the contemporary Croatian political life (e.g. their attitudes towards the Austro-Hungarian Compromise, political parties, the Slovenians, the Serbs). Exactly regarding these attitudes the programmatic article situated Riječke Novine in a specific political and national group. The period just before the First World War in Croatia was marked by inadequate Austro-Hungarian rule on the one hand, and Serbian successes in the Balkan Wars on the other hand. As the paper reveals, both of these factors will contribute to the formation of the pro-Yugoslav attitude among Croats and Serbs not just within the editorial board of Riječke Novine but also within one (and predominant) branch of the Croatian Catholic Movement.


Language :
18489982 and 03507823
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Croatica Christiana periodica
Accession number :