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Authors :
Meho Bašić
Hava Mahmutović
Ramzija Cvrk
Amir Hasić
Source :
Krmiva : Časopis o hranidbi životinja, proizvodnji i tehnologiji krme, Volume 54, Issue 1
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Croatian society of agronomist, 2012.


Zbog povoljnog kemijskog sastava pilećeg mesa (nizak sadržaja masti a veliki udio visokovrijednih proteina) i zbog njegove pogodnosti za suvremenu prehranu ljudi, na tržištu se sve više traže dijelovi pilećeg trupa. Stoga se naglasak u proizvodnji pilećeg mesa stavlja na kvalitetu i odnos osnovnih dijelova trupa (prsa i file bez kostiju, batak i zabatak). Na području Bosne i Hercegovine za proizvodnju pilećeg mesa koriste se mnogobrojni komercijalni hibridi (brojleri) među kojima su najzastupljeniji Cobb 500, Hybro PG i Ross 308. Svaki od navedenih hibrida ima različite proizvodne performanse. Primarni cilj ovog rada je istraživanje performansi hibrida tovnih pilića (Cobb 500, Hybro PG i Ross 308) pri određenim uvjetima tova, klaoničkih pokazatelja i utvrđivanje kemijskog sastava mesa kao jednog od čimbenika kvalitete pilećeg mesa. U toku istraživanja utvrđeni su sljedeći proizvodni pokazatelji: konverzije hrane, tjelesne mase pokusnih pilića na farmi, kalo transporta, mase nejestivih i jestivih dijelova kamo pripadaju trup i iznutrice, kalo hlađenja, i mase dobivenog ''grill'' mesa. Kemijska analiza pilećeg mesa obuhvatila je određivanje sadržaja suhe tvari, proteina, masti, pepela, i vode na uzorcima bijelog i crvenog mesa sva tri ispitivana hibrida. Svi rezultati dobiveni u toku istraživanja su statistički obrađeni. Statističkom analizom rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da hibrid Ross 308 ima povoljnije nutritivne karakteristike, najveći sadržaj proteina (p<br />Because of its favourable chemical composition that is due to the low fat content, and high percentage of high-quality protein, and the benefits of chicken meat for modern human nutrition, on the market increasingly are popular chicken carcass parts. So the emphasis in the production of chicken meat is placed on quality and yield of the basic parts of the body (breast and boneless fillets, thighs and drumsticks). In Bosnia and Herzegovina in the production of chicken meat many commercial hybrids (broilers) are used, predominately Cobb 500, Hybro PG and Ross 308. Each of these hybrids has different production performance. The primary objective of this paper is to study the performance of hybrids (Cobb 500, Hybro PG and Ross 308) under certain conditions of fattening, slaughter parameters and chemical composition as a factor in meat quality. During the research and analysis of the results of the experiment the following values were set: feed conversion, weight of sample chickens on the farm, transport outage, mass non-edible parts, the mass of edible parts where they belong: chicken carcass, offal, chilling outage, and “grill” meat. Chemical analysis of chicken meat included the determination of dry matter, protein, fat, ash, and water of samples from the white and red meat of all three hybrids. All the results obtained during the study were statistically analyzed. Statistical analysis of results showed that the hybrid Ross 308 had a favourable nutritional characteristics, the highest protein content (p


Language :
1848901X and 00234850
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Krmiva : Časopis o hranidbi životinja, proizvodnji i tehnologiji krme
Accession number :