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Kodanikuportaali kasutatavus: erinevate e-teenuste näitel

Authors :
Moor, Kaija
Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja
Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond
Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Tartu Ülikool, 2008.


The practical goal of this bachelor’s thesis is to test the website navigation, usability and general satisfaction with the existing information. Webapplications usability is most effectively explained with ISO 9241-11 standard. According to that standard it has to count on the prior firmed and assigned goals and criterias that the goaloriented protcedures has to correspond. Based to the theory of a website usabilty, creation and testing and from the statistical data about goverment e-services usability that was ordered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication and results of the experimental analysis I searched for answers to the following research questions and to prove or to object the following hypothesis in my paper: Research questions: 1. How to the test users rate the usability of the state portal 2. How are the test users satisfied with the information on the website 3. How does the Think-aloud method qualify to test usability on the Hypothesis : Accessibilities to the e-services are quite complicated and the journalism and public relation students are not aware of their existence. The use of e-services is too complicated for the journalism and public relation students The journalism and public relation students think that the e-services are not useful and trustful. To find answers for the research questions and to control the hypothesis validity I used one of the most popular usability testing methods that is Think-Aloud method combined with the semi-structured interview. The goal of the Think-Aloud method was to observe the student while he is surfing on the website andto find the obstacles for the user in the process of the experiment. The aim of the semi-structured interview was to examine what is the attidude towards to the public e-services and what kind of thoughts, emotions and assesments after testusing the portal The selection was constituted from the 10 students of the journalism and public relation department. They were divided equally between first and third courses of university and sexual distribution was that there is 5 male and 5 female student. Testusers were not using exactly this public portal before and in this case I can say that all students were firsttime users, so there was detected lots of problems how to rebuild this portal to more comfortable. Students were forced to learn the basics about this portal to gain their goals and thesis. They could not use the moves that they were familiar to. To analyse the research results i used qualitative content analyse and achieved the next generalized answers to my research questions: Usability of the public portal website was not rated very high, according to students estimation , learning the interface takes a bit time, but is still quite learnable. Multitide of information is a bit irritating and confusing In my opinion the think-aloud method mixed with semi-structured interview was kind a good mode to test the usability of the website The results of hypothesis control was following: - The e-services are not hard to gettable, but students do not know what this eservices portal offers and mostly it was complicated due the lack of the knowledge. - Finding adequate e-services on that website was hard in many ways but the implemention or realizing the services was easy to do. The problem was, that the information that was given on website was mostly daily or was imperfect. - The students of journalism and public relation found that mostly those public eservices are useful and also there is a chance to save some money and time and plus it is making our lives more effective and easier and the students are thinking that e-services are kind a trustful. Main rule of E-Commerce: „ if the user cannot find the product, then they cannot buy it” (Nielsen, 2003). Website must consider the ursers goals and expectations, that why hei s using certain website and the creator of the website should count on that the procedures and movement on that website is easy and comfortable. There is no common rule that defines the usability about the websolution construct. But there is some statements and aspects that consider while creating the website. How easy it is to find the information on the website and how logically it is arranged. Is it comfortable to the customer to find the information and move from site to site Friendly solution is the reason of good thinkin, winning new clients and keeping the old ones. Present bachelor’s paper will give some advice to the website creator how to raise the usability of the website according to epirical researches results and analysis, that was consisntent about information overbundance, the logical arrengement of the links and menus, quick search system repairing and also some visual appearance. Also I hope that all these advices and suggestions are useful to the Estonian Informatic Centre.<br />*est


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