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Authors :
Gerenčer, Laura
Vovk-Korže, Ana
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
L. Gerenčer, 2011.


V diplomskem delu je zasnovana učilnica v naravi za ožje območje Občine Lendava. Učilnica v naravi predstavlja inovativni pristop k pouku, ki pomeni pouk na prostem oz. povsod tam, kjer se lahko iz okolja kaj naučimo. Na območju Občine Lendava so tako njene zgodovinske in geografske poteze kot predlaga zasnova, lahko uporabljene v izobraževalne namene torej pri pouku zgodovine in geografije, prav tako pa za ostale obiskovalce kraja. V diplomskem delu so podana tudi teoretična izhodišča terenskega dela, učnih poti in učilnice v naravi kot podlaga za pravilno razumevanje in zasnovo učilnice v naravi. Znotraj učilnice v naravi je nato zasnovanih 19 učnih točk, ki prikazujejo bistvene zgodovinske, naravnogeografske in družbenogeografske značilnosti območja. K vsaki od učnih točk so dodani učni cilji iz učnih načrtov geografije in zgodovine za osnovno šolo in splošno gimnazijo ter primeri nalog ob obisku posamezne točke. The graduation thesis is a concept of the narrower region of the Municipality of Lendava as an out of classroom learning experience. The learning experience is an innovative approach to a school lesson, being an open-air lesson or allowing knowledge to be acquired from our environment where possible, respectively. As proposed in the concept there are historical and geographical characteristics in the region of the Municipality of Lendava, which may be used for educational purposes in history and geography lessons, as well as by visitors to the municipality. The diploma also offers theoretical points of view on fieldwork, educational paths and the out of classroom learning experience for the proper comprehension and layout of the experience in nature. The out of classroom learning experience is comprised of 19 educational points, which depict historical, natural geographic and social geographic features of the region. Each of the educational paths has model exercises and educational goals associated with them, corresponding to educational plans for geography and history in elementary schools and grammar schools alike.


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