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The role of climber use in kindergartens in children's motor development
- Source :
- Maribor
- Publication Year :
- 2019
- Publisher :
- D. Gantar, 2019.
- V diplomskem delu Vloga plezal v vrtcih pri motoričnem razvoju otrok smo v teoretičnem delu opredelili gibalni razvoj otroka. Pisali smo o naravnih oblikah gibanja, o motoričnih sposobnostih in kako jih razvijamo s plezanjem. Opisali smo igrala in plezala v vrtcih, vzgojiteljevo vlogo pri njihovi uporabi ter gibalno-športne dejavnosti na njih. Navedli smo nekaj dosedanjih raziskav in ugotovitev na temo igral, plezal in plezanja. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena izvedena raziskava, katere namen je bil raziskati vlogo uporabe plezal v vrtcih pri motoričnem razvoju otrok. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil na podlagi raziskave ugotoviti, ali otroci iz skupine, ki redno uporablja plezala v vrtcu, dosegajo boljše rezultate na motoričnih testih od otrok, ki plezal ne uporabljajo pogosto. Uporabili smo kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo. Neslučajnostni vzorec iz konkretne populacije je predstavljalo 7 vzgojiteljic in 99 otrok iz mariborskih vrtcev, starih 4–6 let. Podatke smo zbrali s kvantitativno tehniko, in sicer intervjujem z vprašanji zaprtega tipa za vzgojitelje in motoričnimi testi za otroke. Otroke smo razdelili v dve skupini glede na odgovor vzgojiteljic v intervjuju o pogostosti načrtovanja vodenih gibalnih dejavnosti na zunanjih plezalih, in sicer v skupino A (enkrat tedensko) in skupino B (enkrat mesečno). Za preverjanje hipotez smo uporabili deskriptivno statistiko in analizo variance. Skladno s ciljem diplomskega dela so rezultati pokazali, da med skupinama otrok, ki se razlikujeta po pogostosti uporabe plezal, ni statistično značilne razlike v gibalni učinkovitosti. In the theoretical part of the thesis The role of climber use in kindergartens in children’s motor development we defined the motor development of children. We wrote about natural forms of motion, about motor skills and how we develop them through climbing. We described playground equipment and climbers in kindergartens, the role of educators in their use and motor-sports activities on them. We stated some existing researches and findings about playground equipment, climbers and climbing. The empirical part presents the performed research about the role of climber use in kindergartens in children’s motor development. The goal of the thesis was to research, if children from the group, which uses kindergarten climbers regularly, reach better results at motor tests than children, who do not often use climbers. We used the causal non-experimental method. The non-randomized sample of the concrete population consisted of 7 educators and 99 children from kindergartens in Maribor, aged 4-6. We collected the data with a qualitative technique, namely an interview with closed type questions for educators and motor tests for children. We divided the children into two groups regarding the answer of educators to the interview question about the frequency of planning guided motion activities on outdoor climbers, namely into group A (once a week) an group B (once a month). To test the hypotheses, we used descriptive statistics and the analysis of variance. Consistent with the goal of the thesis, the results showed that there is no statistically significant difference in motion efficiency between the groups of children, which differ in terms of frequency of the use of climbers.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Maribor
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..0d8292fd2d66fbc8d4aa754a66a49cef