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Information support for organizing trips for elderly

Authors :
Požarnik, Lovro
Rajkovič, Uroš
Source :
Publication Year :


V zaključnem delu smo informacijsko podprli organizacijo izletov za starejše. Ideja za zaključno delo izhaja iz naročnikove želje po digitalizaciji omenjene storitve. S panogo turizma za starejše se naročnik prej še ni ukvarjal, tako da na začetku dela še niso bile natančno definirane želje in končna podoba izdelka. Preko več skupnih sestankov se je zasnoval načrt za spletno stran, ki bo služila za promocijo podjetja in sprejemanje prijav na izlete. Osnutek je nastajal z zavedanjem, da mora biti spletna stran lahka za uporabo zaradi starejše populacije obiskovalcev. Naročnik nas je na podlagi znanja in dela s starejšimi podučil o posebnih potrebah starejše populacije. S svojim vložkom informacijskih znanj smo skupaj zasnovali informacijsko podporo naročnikove storitve. Namen izdelave spletišča je, da se poenostavi proces zbiranja prijav na izlete in hkrati dejavnost promovira na spletu. Spletišče smo zaradi mojega predznanja in izkušenj izdelali z orodjem WordPress. Spletno stran smo opremili z različnimi vtičniki. Do objave spletne strani za javnost v času izdelave zaključnega dela ni prišlo. In the thesis we provided IT support to the client organizing tourist trips for the elderly. The whole idea for the thesis comes from the client's desire to digitize it's service. Tourism for elderly is a new activity for the client, so the wishes and final image of the product have not been precisely defined at the beginning of work. Through several meetings, a plan for a website has been devised. It should accept applications for trips and it should serve to promote the company itself. The draft was made with the awareness that the website should be easy to use because of the older visitor population. Based on the knowledge and work with the elderly, the client taught us about the special needs of the older population. With our input of information skills and knowledge, we designed information support for customer's service. The purpose of the site is to simplify the process of collecting applications for trips and at the same time promote the activity online. Because of my knowledge and experiences, we created the site with WordPress. We added a couple of plugins to make the website more functional. There was no publication of the website at the time the thesis was produced.


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