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The establishment of an e-document system with single sign-on in educational institution

Authors :
Knežević, Duško
Šmitek, Branislav
Source :
Publication Year :


V magistrski nalogi bomo obravnavali področje skupinskega dela v računalniškem omrežju. Osnovni namen naloge bo v okolju, ki se ukvarja z izobraževalno dejavnostjo in izvaja aktivnosti na področju dokumentnega gradiva, vzpostaviti EDMS (elektronski dokumentni sistem) ter prikazati širino vidikov, ki jih je potrebno pri tem upoštevati. V obliki metodologije bodo predstavljeni kot navodila, kako se takšnega posega lotiti in kaj pri tem upoštevati. Za skupinsko delo z dokumenti poznamo najrazličnejša orodja, ki nam ponujajo medsebojno sodelovanje. Ker pa so ta orodja v večini primerov velik finančni zalogaj, se v organizacijah poslužujejo odprtokodne programske opreme. V magistrskem delu bomo predstavili brezplačno platformo Alfresco Comumunity, ki služi za upravljanje z vsebinami in skupinsko delo. This master thesis will deal with the scope of group work in the computer network. The primary aim will be the environment, which is engaged in educational activities and carry out activities in the field of the documentary material to establish EDMS (electronic document management system) and demonstrate the breadth of aspects that need to be taking into account. In the form of the methodology they will be presented as instructions on how to undertake such interference and what is taking into account. To work together on documents known a wide variety of tools that offer us mutual cooperation. However, since these tools are in most cases a major financial undertaking, the organizations make use of open source software. In this thesis, we will present a free platform Alfresco Comumunity that serves content management and teamwork.


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