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Relaxation techniques and their impact on stress, self esteem and social relations of children

Authors :
Krajnc Ružič, Maja
Bakračevič, Karin
Source :
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Publisher :
M. Krajnc Ružič, 2017.


Temeljni problem raziskave je ugotoviti, kako vplivajo sprostitvene tehnike na otroka tretjega razreda osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili razvoj otroka v obdobju srednjega otroštva, razvoj osebnosti v tem obdobju, samopodobe, emocij ter socialnih odnosov. Obravnavali smo družbeni fenomen, s katerim se srečujemo vsakodnevno: stres. Proučevali smo njegove dejavnike, znake, posledice ter spregovorili o stresu pri otrocih. Nadalje smo se ukvarjali s posameznimi tehnikami sproščanja ter njihovimi vplivi na otroke. V empiričnem delu smo merili učinkovitost dveh sprostitvenih tehnik z vidika otrok, staršev in učiteljic. Rezultati kažejo pozitivne spremembe pri samopodobi, emocijah ter socialnih odnosih otrok, predvsem pa kažejo pozitivne spremembe v počutju po izvajanju posamezne sprostitvene tehnike. Tako otroci, kot starši in učiteljici so zadovoljni s spretnostjo, ki so jo pridobili. Iz raziskovalnih ugotovitev izhaja, da želijo več tovrstnih aktivnosti, ki bi bile vpete v šolsko delo. The primary aim of this research is to determine the effects of relaxation techniques on a third grade elementary school student. In the theoretical part we examined the child’s development in the mid childhood, development of personality in this development period, self-esteem, emotions and social interaction. We examined a social phenomenon with which we have daily encounters – stress. We examined its characteristics, symptoms, consequences and we paid a special attention to stress in children. We further examined with certain techniques of stress reduction and relaxation and its effects on children. In the empirical part we measured effectiveness of two stress relief techniques form a child’s perspective, from the parent’s perspective and from the teacher’s perspective. The results show improvement in self-esteem, emotions and social interactions of children, but most of all they show positive results in the general feeling after each relaxation technique period. Children, their parents and the teachers were all satisfied with the new techniques they learned. Based on the results of this study we can conclude that they wish for more of such activities, which would be introduced in the regular school programs.


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