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The Content of Total Anthocyanins in Fruits of Different Raspberry Genotypes (Rubus idaeus L.)
- Source :
- Maribor
- Publication Year :
- 2019
- Maline so visoko cenjen sadež, predvsem zaradi aromatičnega okusa in pestre kemična sestave. Antocianini dajejo plodovom malin značilno rdečo barvo in jih ščitijo pred UV-žarki in napadi insektov. Namen naloge je bil raziskati vpliv genotipa malinjaka (Rubus idaeus L.), sušenja plodov z zamrzovanjem in toplotne obdelave plodov pri pripravi nektarja na vsebnost skupnih antocianinov. V raziskavo smo vključili 22 vzorcev različnih genotipov malinjaka. Vsebnost skupnih antocianinov v ekstraktih plodov in nektarju smo izmerili s pH diferencialno metodo. Plodovi primitivnih in kultiviranih genotipov malinjaka se niso značilno razlikovali v vsebnosti antocianinov. Sušenje z zamrzovanjem ni značilno vplivalo na vsebnost antocianinov, medtem ko je termična obdelava plodov pri pripravi nektarja značilno znižala vsebnost antocianinov v primerjavi z zamrznjenimi plodovi. Raspberries are a highly prized fruit, mainly because of their aromatic taste and their rich chemical composition. Anthocyanins give raspberries a characteristically red color and protect them against UV rays and insect attacks. The purpose of the research was to investigate the influence of the raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) genotype, freeze-drying and the heat treatment of the fruit in nectar preparation on the content of total anthocyanins. In the study 22 samples of different raspberry genotypes were included. The content of total anthocyanins in fruit extracts and in extracts of nectar was measured using the pH differential method. Non-significant differences were observed in the total anthocyanins content between the fruits of primitive and cultivated raspberry genotypes. Freeze-drying did not significantly affect the content of anthocyanins. Thermal treatment of fruit in the preparation of nectar significantly reduced the content of anthocyanins compared to frozen fruits.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Maribor
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..4d6175aaa0260a5cef1f0425df82a3f7