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Authors :
Šepul, Romana
Lipovec, Alenka
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
R. Šepul, 2009.


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Cuisenairove paličice v vrtcu je namenjeno vsem tistim, ki imajo pri vsakodnevnem delu stik z otrokom v predšolskem obdobju in jih zanima razvoj matematičnih sposobnosti predšolskega otroka. Z uporabo didaktičnih pripomočkov in igrač pri predšolskem otroku razvijamo matematično znanje, ki temelji na razumevanju. Cuisenairove paličice so didaktični pripomoček, ki omogočajo otroku samostojno raziskovanje in ga prepričajo, da matematika v vsakdanjem življenju res deluje. V svetu se že več desetletij uporabljajo za poučevanje na področju matematike, pa tudi na drugih področjih. Pri nas se uporabljajo zelo redko, vendar ne za namene poučevanja, ampak zgolj kot konstrukcijski material pri prosti igri otrok. Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati poznavanje in uporabo Cuisenairovih paličic kot didaktičnega pripomočka za področje matematike v vrtcu. Kot je bilo pričakovano vzgojiteljice Cuisenairovih paličic niso poznale po imenu, nekatere pa so jih le vizualno prepoznale. Ker ni gradiv za njihovo uporabo, so v praktičnem delu podane aktivnosti za uporabo Cuisenairovih paličic s ciljem, da bi jih vzgojiteljice uporabile in preizkusile pri usmerjenih aktivnostih iz področja matematike v vrtcu. Aktivnosti omogočajo, da otroka vpeljemo v svet matematike na način, ki bo prilagojen njegovim kognitivnim zmožnostim. Bachelor thesis, entitled “Cuisenaire rods in pre - school education”, is intended for everyone who has daily contact with preschool children and is interested in the development of their mathematical competences. Mathematical knowledge of a preschool child, which is based on understanding, is developed with the use of teaching aids. Cuisenaire rods are a manipulatives which allows children to independently explore, convincing them that mathematics is actually useful in everyday situations. The rods have been used worldwide for decades for teaching in the area of mathematics as well as other areas. The rods are rarely used in Slovenia, and even when they are, they are not used for the purposes of teaching, but merely as a construction material in free children’s play. The purpose of my bachelor thesis was to display the understanding of Cuisenaire rods and their use as a teaching aid in the area of mathematics in kindergarten. As had been expected, childcare workers did not recognize the Cuisenaire rods by their name. Some did, however, recognize them visually. Since there are no materials available for their use, the practical part of the thesis provides activities for the use of Cuisenaire rods by childcare workers with the aim of being used and tested with goal-directed activities in the area of mathematics in kindergarten. These activities allow us to introduce children to the world of mathematics with methods adapted to their cognitive abilities.


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