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Authors :
Brumec, Marko
Perko, Igor
Source :
Slovenska Bistrica
Publication Year :
Publisher :
M. Brumec, 2010.


Eden ključnih elementov obvladovanja kreditnega tveganja so kreditna zavarovanja. Vendar, v osnovi urejeno ustrezno kreditno zavarovanje, ni dovolj za uspešno obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja, pač pa je pomemben tudi stalen nadzor nad ustreznostjo kakovosti zavarovanj. Glede na to, da ima banka naenkrat odprtih več tisoč terjatev, si enostavno ne moremo zamisliti, da bi zavarovanja spremljali kako drugače kot z ustreznim informacijskim sistemom. V nalogi sem predstavil informacijski sistem »Naložbe in zavarovanja«, ki smo ga vzpostavili v NKBM d.d. v letu 2008, kot del projekta uvedbe Basla 2, z namenom zagotovitve informacijske podpore spremljavi naložbenih zavarovanj. Od informacijskega sistema za podporo spremljavi naložbenih zavarovanj se zahteva, da omogoča enostaven vnos podatkov o sklenjenih zavarovanjih z vsemi tistimi podatki, ki so potrebni za kasnejše ugotavljanje ustreznosti zavarovanj, da omogoča preglede že vnesenih podatkov in da omogoča izračun vrednosti zavarovanj ter poročanje o zavarovanjih naložb notranjim in zunanjim uporabnikom (Banka Slovenije) informacij. Trenutna informacijska rešitev še ni v celoti skladna z zgoraj navedenimi zahtevami, zato bo potrebno izvesti nadgradnjo aplikacije s stališča vnosa podatkov in preračuna vrednosti zavarovanj z nepremičninami. Z nadgradnjami bomo olajšali vnos podatkov in zagotovili večjo natančnost le-teh ter zagotovili pravilnejše vrednotenje zavarovanj z nepremičninami. One of the key elements of mastering the credit risk is the credit insurance. However, the basic suitable credit insurance is not enough for successful mastering the credit risk. Therefore, the constant control over suitability of the insurance’s quality is also important. According to the fact that the bank has suddenly thousands of debts open, we cannot imagine not to monitor the insurances otherwise than with the appropriate information system. In my diploma paper, I introduced the information system “Investments and insurances” that was re-established at NKMB d.d. in 2008 as a part of introducing the Basel 2 project, with the intention to assure the informational support at monitoring the investment insurances. From the information system for monitoring support of the investment insurances it is required to enable simple input of data about the insurances with all these data that are necessary for the later insurance suitability assessment to enable the review of already input data to enable the calculation of insurance values and reporting about the investment insurances to inner and outer information users (The Bank of Slovenia). Current informational solution is not wholly in accordance with the above mentioned requests. Therefore, it is necessary to perform an application upgrade from the position of data input and calculation of values of insurances with the real-estate. With the upgrade we will alleviate data input, assure higher accuracy of these and assure more proper assessment of insurances with the real-estate.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Slovenska Bistrica
Accession number :