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Authors :
Potočnik, Adrijana
Valh Lopert, Alenka
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
A. Potočnik, 2016.


V diplomskem delu bo predstavljena problematika prevajanja oziroma sinhronizacije animiranih filmov, namenjenih otrokom kot glavni ciljni publiki. Primerjani in analizirani so bili predvsem frazemi in frazni glagoli, ki se pojavijo v animiranem filmu Neverjetni, saj lahko zaradi svoje posrednosti pomembno vplivajo na razumevanje zgodbe. Frazni glagoli se zelo pogosto pojavljajo v pogovornem jeziku izvirnega jezika, občasno tudi frazemi in oboji imajo posredni pomen, kar pomeni, da je iz pomena njihovih sestavin običajno težko razbrati njihov dejanski pomen. V filmu Neverjetni je treba upoštevati še dejstvo, da so glavna publika otroci. Primerjava in analiza sta bili narejeni s pomočjo transkripcije besedila, zapisane na podlagi slišanega v izvirniku in slovenski sinhronizaciji. Namen analize je bil ugotoviti, ali je prevajalec kljub posrednosti našel ustrezne rešitve v posameznih primerih glede na ciljno publiko in ali so pomembno vplivale na razumevanje zgodbe. Analiza je pokazala, da frazni glagoli v večini primerov niso predstavljali tovrstnih težav. Več težav so predstavljali frazemi, namesto katerih je zaradi lažjega razumevanja ciljne publike bila v ciljnem jeziku večinoma uporabljena ustreznica. The graduation thesis discusses the issues of translating or dubbing the animated movies, intended specially to children. Compared and analyzed were mainly phrasal verbs and idioms that appear in the animated film The Incredibles, since because of their indirect meaning they can have a significant impact on the understanding of the story. Phrasal verbs very often appear in the spoken original language and sometimes idioms as well and both have an indirect meaning, which means that through the meaning of their elements it is usually difficult to recognize their actual meaning. In the film The Incredibles it is also necessary to take into account the fact that the main audience are the children. The comparison and analysis were made by using the transcription of the text, written on the basis of the speech in the original and translation. The purpose of the analysis was to determine whether the translator despite their indirect meaning had found the proper solutions in individual cases, according to the target audience and whether it had a significant impact on understanding of the story. The analysis showed that the phrasal verbs in most cases did not constitute such problems. However, idioms had caused more problems, thus for the target public's better understanding of the story in the target language was mostly used their actual meaning.


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