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Implementation of access control in a sports hall Planina

Authors :
Vidic, Uroš
Šmitek, Branislav
Source :
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Športna dvorana Planina je na področju vrat ter ključavnic še v enakem stanju kot v času izgradnje. Vsa vrata so stara, lesena, z vgrajenimi mehanskimi ključavnicami in vsa odpira generalni ključ. V zaključni nalogi se bomo zaradi zastarelosti tehnologije in predvsem zaradi posebnih razlogov ter problemov, ki jih bomo omenili v nadaljnjih poglavjih, posvetili tehnologiji kontrole dostopa. Pogledali si bomo teoretične značilnosti delovanja tehnologije, izbirali med različnimi vrstami, ki jih je moč najti na trgu, predstavili sestavne dele ter komponente takega sistema ter povezanost med njimi ter si pogledali ponudnike, ki so trenutno vodilni na slovenskem trgu. Primerjali bomo njihovo ponudbo ter na podlagi teh podatkov izbirali ponudnika, ki bo primeren za uvedbo ustrezne kontrole dostopa v naši športni dvorani. In the area of doors and locks, the sports hall is still in the same condition as it was at the time of construction. All doors are old, wooden, with mechanical locks installed, and each door is opened by a general key. In this final thesis, due to the obsolescence of the technology, and especially for the specific reasons and problems that will be mentioned in the following sections of this thesis, we will focus on access control technology. We will look at the theoretical characteristics of the technology, choose among the different types that exist on the market, present the components of such a system and the connection between them, and look at the providers that are currently leading the offer in the Slovenian market. We will compare their offer and, based on this information, select the right provider that will be suitable for the introduction of appropriate access control in our sports hall.


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