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- Source :
- Poljčane
- Publication Year :
- 2011
- Publisher :
- T. Robar, 2011.
- Število uporabnikov interneta in elektronskega poslovanja dnevno naraščata po vsem svetu. Cene dostopa do interneta so nižje, kot nekoč, saj je vedno več ponudnikov širokopasovnih povezav. Elektronsko poslovanje postaja vedno bolj privlačno za podjetja, saj se z naraščanjem uporabe interneta veča število potencialnih potrošnikov. Elektronsko poslovanje prinaša ponudnikom in potrošnikom številne prednosti. Omogoča hitrejše nakupovanje, večjo možnost izbire ter primerjave izdelkov med seboj, možnost pregleda nad ostalimi ponudniki in tako dalje. Za podjetja je prednost predvsem večje število kupcev, lažji vstop na tuj trg, nižji stroški poslovanja ter hitrejše izvajanje poslovnih procesov. Prednost je tudi v tem, da imajo pregled nad konkurenco in lahko sproti spreminjajo in izboljšujejo svoje storitve. Elektronsko poslovanje prinaša tudi nekatere slabosti. Za potrošnike so glavne slabosti v nezaupanju do takšnega načina poslovanja. Predvsem gre tukaj za varnost podatkov. Bojijo se namreč kraje podatkov, zlorabe bančnih kartic… Medtem pa se podjetja srečujejo z drugačnimi pomanjkljivostmi, ki temeljijo na dragi infrastrukturi, pomembni za elektronsko poslovanje, pomanjkanju izobraženega kadra, hitro spreminjajoči se tehnologiji.... Eden izmed pogojev za uspešno uvajanje elektronskega poslovanja v podjetje je inovativna storitev ali izdelek, ki se lahko trži na spletu. Podjetje mora imeti čiste in jasne cilje ter voljo za spremembe v poslovanju. Uspešna uporaba elektronskega poslovanja se meri v rasti prodaje obstoječih storitev ali izdelkov ter v generiranju novih dohodkov, ki nastajajo kot posledica novih inovativnih izdelkov ali storitev. Tehnologija je dejavnik, ki je elektronsko poslovanje postavil tja, kjer se danes nahaja. Podjetje jo lahko kupi in postavi, mora pa jo dobro obvladati. Vsi uspešni primeri uvajanja elektronskega poslovanja so imeli kritično maso strank in partnerjev, ki so novi način poslovanja sprejeli odprtih rok. Number of Internet users and e-commerce is growing daily around the world. Internet access prices are lower than in the past, as there are several providers of broadband. Electronic commerce is becoming increasingly attractive to businesses because of increased use of the Internet is increasing the number of potential consumers. Electronic commerce brings providers and consumers many advantages. Allows for faster shopping, more choice and product comparison among themselves, the possibility of control over other bidders, and so on. For enterprises is the main advantage of a large number of customers, facilitating entry into the foreign market, lower operating costs and faster implementation of business processes. The advantage is also that they have an overview of the competition and can keep changing and improving their services. Electronic commerce also brings some disadvantages. For consumers, the main weakness is in the trust to such a method of doing business. In particular, this involves data security. They fear data theft, misuse of credit cards... Meanwhile, companies are faced with different defects, which are based on expensive infrastructure relevant to electronic commerce, the lack of trained personnel, rapidly changing technology... One of the prerequisites for the successful introduction of electronic commerce in the company is an innovative service or product that can be marketed on the Internet. The company must have a clean and clear objectives, and their willingness to change in the business. Successful use of electronic commerce is measured in sales growth of existing services or products and in generating new revenues generated as a result of new innovative products or services. Technology is a factor which is e-commerce set to where is today. The company can buy and place, but it must be well managed. All successful examples of introducing electronic commerce have had a critical mass of customers and partners who have adopted a new way of doing business with open arms.
- Subjects :
- disadvantages of electronic commerce
introduction of electronic commerce in business
pomanjkljivosti elektronskega poslovanja
uvajanje elektronskega poslovanja v podjetje
Electronic commerce
advantages of electronic commerce
electronic signature
Elektronsko poslovanje
prednosti elektronskega poslovanja
Internet use
elektronski podpis
zakon o elektronskem poslovanju
raba interneta
the law on electronic commerce
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Poljčane
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..c8604b729b9198e69407112ffd303f35