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Authors :
Jakob, Nataša
Kennedy, Victor
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
N. Jakob, 2016.


I have decided to analyze the novel Angels and Demons written by Dan Brown in my diploma. The work is non-canonical and contains many clichéd themes. However, some non-canonical works deserve much more critical attention than they actually get, and Angels and Demons is one of them. Dan Brown invented an incredible plot with many entanglements and subplots. All of the plots and subplots are resolved in the end. The novel is pure fiction. Brown uses, but distorts, historical events in order to tell his story. In my diploma I argued why there has historically been a conflict between science and faith and I wanted to build a bridge between them, and to show how Brown's novel manipulates this conflict. The novel takes the reader on an incredible journey through Rome and the Vatican. I analyzed the main three characters of the novel, and showed how the priest, Carlo Vantresca, does not respect the Canon of the Holy Scripture. At the end I came to the conclusion that everything in the world is related. Science is born from religion and they can complement one another, as Pope John Paul II stated: “Science can purify religion from error and superstition religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish” (John Paul II. A letter To the Reverend George V. Coyne SJ,Director of the Vatican Observatory). Literature, like Brown's, can deal with these themes in many ways, but because Brown's novel sensationalizes them for commercial purposes, it cannot be considered to be serious literature. V diplomskem delu analiziram roman Angeli in demoni Dana Browna. Delo je nekanonično in vsebuje več klišejskih tem. Nekatera nekanonična dela zaslužijo več pozornosti, kot jo dejansko dobijo. Eno izmed teh je roman Angeli in demoni. Dan Brown je ustvaril fantastično zgodbo z mnogo zapleti in podzgodbami. Vse zgodbe se na koncu razrešijo. Roman je izmišljen. Brown uporabi zgodovinske dogodke, ki jih priredi z namenom, da prevlada njegova fikcija. V diplomskem delu sem argumentirala, zakaj je v preteklosti sploh prišlo do konflikta med znanostjo in vero. Prav tako sem hotela »zgraditi most« med njima in pokazati, kako Brown manipulira z odnosom med znanostjo in vero. Roman popelje bralca na čudovito potovanje skozi Rim in Vatikan. Analizirala sem tri glavne junake in razkrila, v katerih pogledih duhovnik, Carlo Vantresca, ne spoštuje predpisov Svetega pisma. Na koncu sem ugotovila, da je vse na svetu povezano. Znanost se je rodila iz religije in se lepo dopolnjujeta, kot je izjavil tudi prejšnji papež Janez Pavel II.: “Znanost lahko vero očisti napak in praznoverja, vera pa lahko očisti znanost idoliziranja in napačnih predstav. Vsaka izmed njih lahko potegne drugo v širši svet, v svet, v katerem lahko obe cvetita” (Janez Pavel II., Pismo prečastitemu George V. Coyne SJ, direktorju vatikanskega Obzervatorija). Literatura, kot je Brownova, se lahko spoprime s temi temami na veliko načinov. Vendar zaradi tega, ker Brown zbuja veliko pozornosti z omenjenimi temami v komercialne namene, roman ne more spadati v klasično literaturo.


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