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Authors :
Bregar, Vesna
Čižman, Anton
Source :
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Kot vemo se poslovno okolje dolgoročno spreminja. Spremembe so tako številne, da jih je včasih zelo težko dohajati. To še posebej velja za tiste, ki se ukvarjajo z nabavnim managamentom. Hitro razvijajoča se informacijska tehnologija, s skoraj neomejenimi možnostmi, zagotavlja tudi hiter razvoj nabavne funkcije. Povsem na novo vpliva na sporazumevanje v samem podjetju in med podjetji. Nabavno dokumentacijo na papirju so zamenjala faksirana sporočila, elektronska pošta in neposredni telefonski klici po satelitskih omrežjih, ki povezujejo skoraj vse kraje po svetu. Ta nova informacijska tehnologija omogoča vodjem nabave odkrivanje novih dobaviteljev ter lažje in učinkovitejše sporazumevanje z njimi. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo s pomočjo domače in tuje literature najprej predstavili cilje, naloge in probleme nabavne službe, ter opisali nabavni postopek in dobavitelje. S tem smo prišli do ugotovitev, kakšna je oziroma naj bo nabava v podjetju. V praktičnem delu je predstavljeno podjetje Tehcenter d.o.o., predvsem z vidika njegove nabavne funkcije. Zaradi začetne majhnosti podjetja, nabavna funkcija ni imela posebnega mesta v podjetju, z njegovo rastjo, predvsem z vidika širitve proizvodnje, pa je postala njegov pomemben segment. S tem pa je postal neustrezen tudi obstoječi informacijski sistem, ki ga je bilo potrebno nujno spremeniti in prilagoditi novim razmeram. V diplomski nalogi smo zato z uvedbo novega IS skušali predstaviti njegove pozitivne učinke za boljšo in kakovostnejšo funkcioniranje nabavne službe. Nowadays, business environment is changing very rapidly. There are so many changes that they are very difficult to follow. This holds especially for those dealing with purchasing management. The information technology, which develops very quickly, assures with its nearly unlimited possibilities also quick development of the purchasing function. It influences the communication within the company and among companies in a totally new way. Purchasing paper documentation has been substituted by fax messages, e-mails and direct telephone calls through satellite networks that connect nearly all places all over the world. This new information technology enables purchasing managers to discover new suppliers and to communicate with them easier and more efficiently. In the theoretical part of my diploma paper I have, on the basis of domestic and foreign literature, presented the goals, tasks and problems of purchasing departments, and described the purchasing procedure. In this way I have established what is or what should be respectively the purchasing in an enterprise. The practical part presents company Tehcenter, mostly from its purchasing function. At the beginning the company was small and therefore the purchasing function didn’t play an important role in the company but it became an important segment while the company was growing and expanding its production. Because of this the existing information system became unsuitable and needed changes that new situations have brought. For this reason the diploma paper shows how the introduction of a new information system positively effects the functioning of the purchasing department, being better and more qualitative.


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